Split Test
Natural selection is a very, very powerful tool.
It doesn’t just work with evolution.
It is also a fantastic marketing tool.
The idea of a “split test” is central to natural selection.
Advertisers have been using split tests for a long time.
Split tests allow you to find the ideal marketing message without knowing ANYTHING about marketing or psychology.
Say you’ve got a web page that sells something.
Maybe you’re an Amazon Affiliate or something.
So, you set up a split test.
Two pages, that are IDENTICAL, except for one tiny thing.
Maybe two different headlines.
No Brain Required
You run this for a week, and see which page converts better.
Then you keep the winner, ditch the loser, and do another test.
Keep doing this, every week for a year, and you’ll get some VERY HIGH conversations.
So you can end up with a very, very persuasive sales page without knowing ANYTHING about copywriting.
The ancient human storytellers had the same process.
Imagine a bunch of ancient cave people, sitting around the campfire.
Once Upon A Time
Old dudes telling stories to young dudes.
When the young dudes grow up, and it’s there turn to tell stories, which stories do the tell?
The ones that were the most FANTASTIC.
The ones they remember the most.
The ones that HELPED them the most.
Do this for a 100,000 years or so, and you’ll end up with some FANTASTIC stories.
This idea works for marketing, for storytelling, for headlines, for pretty much anything.
Including, of course, us humans.
Proto Monkey People
Think of all the different versions of proto-human-monkey people.
There’s been about 20 or 30 kinds of primates over the past few million years.
Only a handful, including us, are left.
What are OUR best traits?
Language, memory, tools.
But consider that there is ONE huge instinct that rules them all.
Language, tools, memory, exquisite storytelling isn’t worth SQUAT without this meta instinct.
The one meta instinct that DRIVES all our other instincts.
One To Rule Them All
The one meta instinct that, if leveraged, will drive YOU to magnificent success.
The instinct?
To be satisfied with what you have, but to be DRIVEN to get more.
Not to HAVE the stuff.
This is the opposite.
Lottery winners end up MORE miserable.
Road Better Than The Inn
So it’s not the actual STUFF that makes us feel alive.
It’s the PROCESS of getting the stuff.
The path toward better and better things.
This never ending ambition that built empires, crossed oceans and put footprints on the moon, and before long, Mars.
This ambition that is coursing through your veins right now.
Wake this ancient driver up and DOMINATE.
Learn More:
Ideal Self Generator
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