Pope Gregory
Right now the entire world uses the same calendar.
The one that counts up the years from year zero.
This used to be called BC and AD, but they changed it to take out the reference to Jesus.
Before BC meant before Christ, and AD meant Anno Domini, which is Latin for the year of Jesus.
No More Jesus
But then they changed BC to BCE to mean before current era.
Same counting system, but they just changed the name.
But even though the worldwide calendar uses the same counting system, it’s only been around since 1582, and is named the Gregorian calendar, after Pope Gregory.
So even though they changed the name of BC, the calendar that pretty much the entire world uses is named after a Catholic Pope.
Japanese Moon Day
There are a couple of interesting commonalities between the English days of the week, which are based on Roman names, and the Japanese days of the week, which are based on Chinese Characters.
Sunday is the day of the Sun in both English Japanese.
Monday in Japanese is Moon day, which essentially means the same thing.
The rest of the Days in Japan are based on natural Earth elements.
Gods Of The Sky
The rest of the days in English are based on Norse and Roman gods.
There are plenty of numbers based on celestial objects.
For example, ancient peoples all realized there were twelve full moons per year.
This is why we have twelve months, or twelve moons.
They also figured out that there are four seasons, of three moons each.
Holy Seven
Four plus three is seven, another number that pops up in a lot of places.
Numbers are very useful for symbolism, as they are devoid of meaning.
For example, in the Bible, the number seven means completeness, or perfection.
Evil Six
Less than perfection, or imperfect would be six.
So seven means really good, or perfect.
Six means really bad, or imperfect.
In ancient language, they didn’t have adverbs of degree.
Good Good Good
So if something was very good, they would say good good good.
For example, if you go to lots of Christian churches, they’ll say holy holy holy Lord.
Saying holy three times means very holy.
So if you said imperfect three times it would mean very imperfect, or very bad.
666 Origins
In number symbology that means six six six.
So if you refer to this as 666 this means this is very very very bad.
Numbers are perfect for transmitting ideas, since you don’t even need to understand the language.
They are very similar to Ericksonian hypnosis.
Ericksonian hypnosis is when somebody speaks in specifically vague terms.
This Means Whatever You Want
So when you listen to somebody speaking in vague terms, you can put your own meaning in this vagueness.
And if you pay attention to this vagueness long enough, this will start to make perfect sense, even if you don’t really understand any of what this person is saying.
Jesus once said that in heaven you’ll find a crap load of people.
Of course, he didn’t say crap load.
Jesus The Magician
Jesus used numerical symbolism.
Twelve times twelve times 1000.
Which means totality times totality times a really big number.
Forgive Others
But he also said we need to forgive somebody seventy times seven times.
Or seven times seven times a big number.
They say their are twelve tribes of Israel wandering around.
Kind of like the twelve full moons per year that are all wandering around the sky.
Wandering TV Colonies
On Battlestar Galactica there are also twelve colonies of Kobol wandering around the universe.
Like the twelve full moons per year wandering around up in the sky.
You’ll find the number 7 everywhere.
Seven days of the week.
Seven seas.
Seven Samurai.
Lucky Seven.
Seven deadly sins.
Seven virtues.
Conscious Mind
The conscious mind can hold seven, plus or minus two, things in mind at once.
Are there really sevens everywhere?
Or is our brain built around seven, so we only see sevens everywhere?
Another interesting commonality between East and West is the idea of a dragon.
Fire Breathing Snakes
Both European and Asian mythology has the idea of a large flying reptile that breathes fire.
Is this because they both came up with this same idea independently?
Or did somebody teach them both about flying reptiles that breathe fire?
Or maybe there were plenty of flying reptiles that breathed fire way back in the early days of civilization.
Right Place Right Time
The Gregorian calendar is a perfect example of the right idea in the right place at the right time.
Even though it was created, or perfected in 1582, by then they had already figured out leap year.
And if you can come up with a perfect idea, in the right place, at the right time, you can be famous as well.
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