Happy Conversations
One thing people are terrified of, conversationally, is unexpected questions.
Questions that make them feel on the spot.
Sales people practice over and over to overcome sales objections.
But sales objections aren’t REALLY what they seem to be.
If you are selling a car to somebody, and give a common price objection, is it REALLY about the price?
The price objection is just the tip top surface level.
The objection is really “something about this doesn’t feel right.”
This feeling starts in the subconscious.
And the salesperson keeps talking, not paying much attention.
Something’s Wrong
And this subconsciously felt “incongruity” keeps getting stronger and stronger.
So when they give the price objections, it’s not really accurate.
It’s just an attempt to interrupt the sales pitch so they can LEAVE.
Something about the car, somebody about the salesperson’s frame doesn’t feel right.
There is WAY more going on deep beneath the words.
This is why sales and dating both are numbers game.
It’s not really about the words.
It’s much more how well you and your target happen to “vibe.”
Intuitive Kids
Just little kids on the playground.
Most normal kids make a few friends out of a large class.
We humans are very good at feeling each other out.
And from a pure probability standpoint, you we only really “vibe” with a small percentage.
Just like in elementary school.
Of course, there ARE those kids who vibe with most everybody.
For them, making friends is a sellers markets.
There are the salespeople who vibe with many people.
They make a lot of money.
There are social players who vibe with a lot of people.
For them, this creates a kind of exponential effect.
They vibe with a lot of people.
So they have very little memories of being rejected.
Happy Memories
They have the opposite.
Memories of being DESIRED.
And they radiate a very strong “everybody wants me” kind of energy.
Which creates social proof, competition, etc.
A fantastic virtuous cycle of LOVE and SEX.
The money question, of course is how can you INCREASE your “vibing” capacity.
Lead With Emotions
The first step is to FORGET about the words.
This takes practice, but there are some simple ways to practice this.
Increasing your “vibing potential” is a skill.
Like any other skill it takes practice.
Like any other skill, the more you practice, the better you get.
Like any other skill, practice is pretty boring, not fun, not enjoyable.
But also like any other skill, once you get the results it will be worth it.
Particularly when you can increasing your vibing potential as much as you want.
Learn How:
Conversational Love
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