What You See Isn’t Real
There are a lot of cool optical illusions floating around.
They are, of course, built by understanding the inefficiency of our visual perception.
Most of what we see is an approximation, and by purposely creating false approximations, we will see things that aren’t really there.
The field of organic chemistry is responsible for many advances in science that we take for granted.
Organic Death
But there is a darker side of organic chemistry that isn’t really fully understood.
It’s essentially based on a temporal mismatch between free market capitalism and long term ramifications of unknown chemicals.
Since private companies are the best suited to continuously create new and useful chemical compounds, they are driven by free market capitalism.
This means that they are always in competition to bring new chemical compounds to market.
But simply by their nature, their potential negative long term consequences cannot be known.
Ancient Book of Spells
There is an ancient book of stories, written sometime before the Roman Empire.
Some believe it was written the Etruscans, others believe it was by the Mycenaeans.
Either way, it’s been translated into several languages, including English.
But it’s also very dangerous, and it is believed to contain a very powerful, and very ancient from of black alchemy.
It’s written in a regular story format, even having cliffhangers along the way.
The Cliffhanger Effect
Very much like modern TV shows that have mine-scenes of about two to three minutes, each ending with a small cliff hanger, or an open loop.
This, of course, is very ancient storytelling technique to create tension.
And when all the loops are closed, it leads to a satisfying conclusion.
But in this particular manuscript, in this particular set of stories, when the loops are all closed, it has a very negative impact on your mind.
One that, unfortunately, cannot be reversed.
Origin Theory
A lot of scientists privately believe that all widespread theories of human origins are not nearly complete enough to explain everything.
There is one theory that explains everything almost perfectly, but it is not accepted not because people believe this theory is incorrect.
It is rejected simply because it is too horrible to accept.
It postulates that, like many other accepted theories, ancient proto-humans were helped along by extra-terrestrials.
Intentions and Outcomes
The difference is the intention behind this.
Since we tend to anthropomorphize everything, we assume they did this for the reasons we did this.
We believe that if we kept evolving, we would eventually spread to other planets, perhaps even seeding them as we believe we have been seeded here.
But the evidence does not support this.
Not Seeds – Poison
The evidence suggests we were put here not as seeds, not as advanced life forms created by an alien race, but more like worker bees.
What we see as natural resources, these ancient extra-terrestrials see as obstacles to their eventual colonization.
Since they are so far advanced beyond us, their needs are similarly advanced.
They put us here specifically to evolve self awareness.
They programmed us to evolve to use energy.
Drink It All Up
Not to use energy to travel to other planets, but to simply consume all the fossil fuels on this planet before going extinct.
That is essentially our purpose.
They’ve done this on millions of other planets, and have done so for billions of years.
They seed these planets with primates that will eventually evolve just enough intelligence to use up all the fossil fuels.
Then they go extinct, and then the these advanced extra-terrestrials can colonize.
Even if we stop using fossil fuels, that won’t work.
Us Or Somebody Else
If we stop using fossil fuels, they will come back, and try again with another primate.
This is why the Neanderthals went extinct.
They were originally chosen to do what we are supposed to be doing now.
But they understood, and tried to avoid it.
Programmed For Extinction
But as soon as they made that decision, they were made to go extinct.
We are essentially the replacements.
We are not the top animals on Earth.
We are merely the worker animals whose job it is to deplete it of the natural resources to pave the way for the ultimate colonizers, who chose Earth as their home long before we learned to speak.
Can I Take Your Order?
They’ve done experiments on waiters with plenty of open tables.
When the tables are open, they can remember everything.
When the tables pay their bills and leave, they forget everything.
Similarly, when you finish this ancient manuscript, when you finish these stories, you will forget everything.
Not just the stories within stories, but the ideas within your brain.
Drug Companies
I have a friend who works for a large pharmaceutical company.
He says that unless a drug has been on the market for at least thirty years, stay away.
He also said that simply by basic statistics, given the amount of new chemical being released on the market every year, a few are bound to be deadly.
Deadly Medicine Cabinet
Which means just by the law of averages, at least one bottle of pills in the average home will cause long term damage of some kind.
The most common negative side effect is memory loss.
Some say this was done on purpose.
So by the time the memory loss happens, you will have forgotten where this came from, so it won’t matter anyway.
Imaginary Sounds
Auditory illusions work just as well as optical illusions.
But auditory illusions are much harder to notice, since they are based on the false ideas created in your mind by sounds that you cannot see.
For example, these words are based on an auditor illusion.
These words really don’t exist.
They are being constructed in your mind.
Self Evaporating Thoughts
And with a carefully chosen set of words, this illusion may stay in your mind long after these words stop.
A kind of post auditory mental resonance.
And every time you remember this, you will remember this differently.
Until this hallucination takes over, and ultimately controls, your entire thought process.
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