Debt Is Life
I read an article by this economist named Richard Duncan.
He said that ever since world war two, every time the debt has not expanded more than 2%, the U.S. economy has gone into a recession.
This means out economy is not only dependent on debt, but it’s dependent on continuously expanding debt.
Double Think
One of the ideas from George Orwell’s 1984 is the idea of double think.
The ability to hold two completely contradictory ideas in mind at once.
Like believing that two plus is four AND also believing, at the same time, that two plus two is five.
Conflicting Brain Residence
Holding both ideas in mind and believing both of them is a sign that your mind has been sufficiently brainwashed and can be implanted with any thoughts your overlords wish to implant in, your mind.
Scientists say we have an ROI instinct.
All animals must get at least as much energy as they spend or they’ll die.
We humans have the same instinct.
Mental Instincts
But we have it translated into mental ideas about thoughts and actions.
We want the same thing sooner rather than later.
We want the same thing cheaper rather than more expensive.
We want the same result with less effort rather then more.
Cheaper and Quicker
We want to minimize any physical, emotional, mental or financial efforts.
At the same time, we want to maximize our returns.
According to Harvard Psychologists, the most important personal quality that determines your success is something called time preference.
This is determined by imagining two sums of money.
Time Preference Definition
One now, and one plus a little bit more a year from now.
When the two seem equivalent in your mind, the difference is your time preference.
For example, if you have trouble deciding between a million dollars now, vs. a 1.1 million in a year, the difference is your time preference.
Delayed Gratification
The lower your time preference, the stronger your ability to delay gratification.
The higher your time preference, the weaker your ability to delay gratification.
Nobel prize winning economist Milton Friedman said that to sustain a post industrial economy, the average time preference must be below a certain amount.
Somebody Help Me
Which means that the average citizen must have a bare minimum ability to delay gratification, or else society will collapse.
This makes sense.
If nobody can plan more than a couple days ahead of time, collapse is not far behind.
Today, many people have lots of credit card debt.
Everybody’s Broke
According to one report by the Federal Reserve, less than half Americans have more than $400 in case of an emergency.
Some reports say that the average attention span of the average American is less than that of a goldfish.
One theory is that democracy itself is destructive to the average time preference.
I’ll Give You Free Stuff
That politicians compete for votes by coming up with the best promises.
The more they compete for our votes, the less responsibility we feel.
The more we feel like our problems are somebody else’s responsibility to fix.
This creates a situation where everybody believes that everybody’s problem is somebody else’s responsibility.
Fattening Us Up
Some belief they are doing this on purpose.
That the idea of democracy itself is very evil.
A long term, long game evil plan to enslave everybody.
To make us utterly incompetent and incapable of thinking for ourselves.
Yes Master
To makes us completely obedient to our secret masters.
Of course, this could just be a hallucination.
One common idea is that because America is the wealthiest country in the world, we can afford to pay for everything we want.
But we also can’t survive without living off increasing amounts of debt.
He With The Most Bling Wins
That would be like having a neighbor who is deep in debt to buy all kinds of fancy toys.
And needs to spend half his paycheck to pay the minimum balance on his credit cards.
And at the same time, telling everybody he’s the richest person on the block.
Bankrupt and Homeless
What happens if your minimum payment on your credit card every month is more than your paycheck?
Some economists believe that is going to happen in 2024 or so.
That the total amount of taxes the federal government collects will be LESS than the interest payment on the national debt.
That’s when the banking elite will hand us over to their alien overlords.
They Gonna Eat Us
Who will use us for food.
That’s why they’ve been fattening us up.
Because you are very tasty.
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