Easy Jobs Are Everywhere
When I was in college I had a lot of interesting jobs. My college was on the semester system and in between the wintertime we had six weeks vacation during summertime we had twelve weeks weeks vacation. At the end of the semester I would quit my job.
One of the jobs I had was driving around picking up checks. I worked for this company. It was like an office and did a lot of support for various charities. They would call people in homes give the charity pitch asking them to make a donation. When they agreed to make a donation they would send us out to pick up the checks.
This was long before the Internet and the only way to get the check was either go pick it up or wait for them to mail it. If we waited for them to mail it nobody would mail it, so we had to go out and pick up the checks every night.
Deliver The Money Every Night
I would bring the checks back and the girl that worked in the office was very very cute. I started to flirt with her and we started hanging out together.
Her grandmother was in the hospital and a lot of times I would take her to the hospital to visit her grandmother but for some reason she didn’t want me to meet her grandmother. Maybe she was embarrassed she never really said why.
When I was waiting in the lobby downstairs I saw this man sitting. He was an older man. At first I thought maybe he was waiting for somebody but he never seemed to be in any kind of emotional distress. Didn’t seem bored. He almost seemed like he was just sitting there almost with eyes-open meditation.
What’s This Guy’s Story?
One day I sat across from him. Just kind of to see what was up. He was fairly well-dressed, clean-shaven. He was always wearing different clothing every time, so finally started a conversation to just to see what his story was.
He told me that he was over 1000 years old. When he first said that I thought he was crazy, a story. I figured he was crazy person like crazy because they have a lot of time and they blur the reality between what’s true and what’s not true.
In their mind it’s not really clear the distinction between reality and fantasy. Sometimes listening to these crazy people tell a story it starts off normally but pretty soon you’re in the middle of some crazy story that doesn’t make any sense, and that’s where I thought I was.
I just decided to listen to what he said. He was over thousand years old he was a human entity but not human. I said what does that mean he said well I need energy to live as do all entities. But he said human entities and other animals on earth they need to consume other lifeforms to survive.
Maybe This Crazy Guy Has A Point
When you think about that’s true. Humans, we have to consume either plants or animals to survive. All of the energy that we use comes from other life that used to be a life from. We use fossil fuels, they used to be animals. Before they invented fossil fuel they needed to burn wood and wood had to come from previously alive organisms.
He said he collected energy passively very much like a plant. He said he needed to be around people that were radiating a certain kind of emotional energy, particularly he needed to be around people that were radiating emotionally distressing energy. But just by being near these people could soak it up and it would be enough power.
It was very much like plants because if you think about plants, all they have to do is stick the leaf out and the energy from the sun comes in is the plants leaf in the plant takes the energy that it’s it’s leaf and converts it into energy. The sun doesn’t even need to know that’s happening because once the sun sends out synergy and energy is no longer the property of the sun, it just gets out everywhere for anyone to use.
Don’t Eat Things And Live Longer
This guy’s been around for over 1000 years and all he does he needs to find people that are like in hospitals that are distressing situation just he’s just sits there and soaks up the energy because this is a very passive process he can live for a long time very much like the redwood trees or other platforms that live forever.
When the semester ended I tried to get this girl to move forward in our relationship and she actually got angry at me for asking. It turns out that she assumed we were just friends and she was just using me because I had a car and she didn’t and when I look back in retrospect that’s exactly what was happening.
In fact in my young unexperienced state I was just happy to be near an attractive woman. I was just happy to be in her presence it was almost as if I was getting some kind of free energy from her but it wasn’t free at all because she was using me because I had a car.
How Dare You Want More!
She actually got angry at me for making the assumption that she might like me being on as if I had offended her right by acting as if I wanted to strengthen our relationship beyond friendship.
Of course now when I’m older and wiser or maybe older and still stupid I see this happening all the time. There’s a lot of guys that have a lot of inexperience with women in the enjoy being around just to be around if you are a woman and you had all these guys that just enjoy being in your presence you would probably want to take advantage of them.
But the cool things about college was that every single semester it started off the very same way I would go back to school. Unpack my stuff, figure out classes figure out where the class were figure out what books I need in the first week or two. I’ll just drive around and look for shops that had help wanted signs.
Help Wanted
It only took about one or two conversation before I got a job. In every single semester I had no problems getting a job because all I had to do was go outside and look for what I wanted.
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