Approaching Infinity
There are certain mathematical functions that are only interesting around infinity.
Of course, since infinity is not really anything that we can think about, we have to think about this in abstract terms.
So these mathematical functions can’t really be solved, like normal algebraic equations, where X is some specific number when Y is a specific number.
These equations approach certain numbers as they approach infinity.
Since infinity isn’t a place you can only get to, you have to keep approaching this and try to figure out what you will get as you get closer to this.
Goals Are In The Future
Setting and achieving goals is nearly impossible.
Partly because they don’t exist in the present.
Goals only exist in the future.
So in a way, a goal is an attempt to predict the future, which right off the bat is a kind of a losing proposition.
Always Be Moving
On the other hand, if you have horizon goals, which are only directional, you’ll have a much better chance.
For example, if you have a horizon goal of always being able to make more money, you’ll be able to make progress.
And no matter how much money you have, you can always make more.
More money, better health, higher intelligence, better relationships, better communication, these are all perfect horizon goals.
Tribal Split Test
If we imagine two different tribes of people, we can do a kind of split test.
One tribe had the nomad gene.
The nomad gene made them always wonder what was out beyond the horizon.
The other tribe had the complacent gene.
This one said don’t do anything unless you absolutely have to.
Misunderstood Evolution
A lot of people misunderstand the nature of evolution and natural selection.
It’s often thought that evolution has some kind of goal that it is moving toward.
That there is some kind of objective measurement of more evolved or less evolved.
But in reality, all life is an accident.
We Are Random Mistakes
All new traits in any species, including us, is a mistake in genetic copying from generation to generation.
All species live in a certain environment.
All species need to extract energy of some kind from that environment.
Either from the soil, from the sunlight, or from other life forms, every life form of every kinds needs to consume energy of some kind.
As the environment slowly changes over time, it’s up to the life forms to keep up with it.
Living and Dying
If they do, they get to stay alive.
If they don’t, they go extinct.
More than99% of all species of all kinds that have ever lived have gone extinct.
Evolution of living things follows the natural changes in the natural environment.
The only thing that determines whether a species doesn’t go extinct if it can effectively replicate itself.
Eating and Sexing
Acquiring energy and having sex are means to the end of replication.
It’s a common misconception that because we can see things and imagine things and remember things and talk about things and hallucinate things, we have some special advantage.
But our big brains, and all the things our big brains can do, are only a means to an end.
To replicate.
That we believe we have a purpose, is really an evolutionarily beneficial trait.
Hallucination Instinct
A hallucination that helped us out replicate and out populate any competing primates that didn’t believe they had a purpose.
If a new kind of primate comes along, that can’t think, can’t speak, can’t imagine and can’t remember any of this, but that new primate can out replicate us?
That new primate will survive.
A lot of natural selection and evolutionary scientists have posited the question that if we were to reset the clock, would intelligent life evolve again?
Enjoy It While It Lasts
The answer is not likely.
Our brains are an accident.
Our memories are randomly created means to an end of replication.
Our ideas about our importance, our purpose, our destiny are all hallucinations.
And these hallucinations are also means to an end.
Nomadic Gene More Successful
The tribe that decided to wander nomadically across the globe, only because they were always curious about what was out there, tended to survive.
The ancient primates who were content with what they had didn’t.
The more copies those nomadic tribes made of themselves, and the more they spread out, the more they would withstand any unexpected changes in the environment.
Keep Moving Toward Horizon
Once you have set a few horizon goals, then just do whatever you can to get closer.
So long as you are moving closer and closer to your own personal horizon, you will have a much higher chance of succeeding.
That’s the best part about the human purpose.
It exists largely in potential form.
Define Your Purpose
You could say that your main purpose is to define your purpose.
Even better is if you don’t like your current purpose, or if you don’t feel like you have any purpose, just make one up.
Figure out what direction it’s in, and start wandering and see what happens.
Of course, once you start to combine the idea of infinity, which is necessarily abstract and undefinable, with the idea of mathematics, which is necessarily defined and precise, you can create some pretty cool paradoxes.
Specifically Defined Vagueness
You can use mathematics to specifically describe things like infinity and create some funny feelings in your brain.
Even some things that are purely imaginary, you can define with the specificity and precision of mathematics.
Kind of like a very specific way to create and define hallucinations and other things that don’t ever exist.
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