Square Roots Are Easy
If you needed to find the square root of four, this would be pretty easy.
The square root of four is either two or negative two.
Negative two times negative two is four.
Two times two is four.
This is something we learn in elementary school, or at the latest, junior high school.
Weird Science Guy
Once there was a physicist that was working on this complex problem.
He spent a lot of time on it, but the answer didn’t make any sense.
The answer didn’t make any sense because the answer was the square root of some number.
Which meant that answer had to be plus a number, or minus a number.
This Is Irrational
Because this idea kind of contracted what he thought was rational, he didn’t think it was the correct answer.
Even thought the math was staring straight in the face.
It’s kind of hard to argue with math.
One of the paradoxes in physics is the idea of anti matter.
Why No Anti Matter?
Anti matter exists both theoretically and experimentally.
The paradox is why nearly all the matter we see matter, and not anti matter.
Even deeper is if there were as much anti matter as there was matter, then nothing would exist as everything would cancel everything out.
That we even exist is a paradox, and within this paradox is the deeper paradox of not nearly enough anti matter.
Negative Evil Numbers
Once upon a time, negative numbers were thought to be evil.
A common idea in science is that when you first come up with an idea, nobody believes you.
Everybody will say that you’re crazy.
But if you can be persistent enough, pretty soon people will start to believe this.
Cycle of Ideas
People will start to understand this.
People will start to accept this.
But this usually takes a long time.
And when people started thinking in terms of negative numbers, it was the same thing.
Mathematicians could accept this, but most normal people thought this idea is utterly insane.
I Have Two Coconuts
I mean, if you have to coconuts, that makes sense.
But how can you have negative two coconuts.
You can walk through the forest with trees that you can count.
But what is a negative forest?
How many negative trees exist in the negative forest?
Negative People
Are there negative people living in the negative forest?
Are these people all around you, but because they are negative, you can’t see them?
Suppose these people are watching you?
That would make sense, since you are a positive person and everybody can see positive people.
They Live In Your House
But if you are always surrounded by these invisible people?
What if these invisible people are watching everything you do?
What if you are always being followed by invisible scientists?
What if these people are standing next to your bed while you sleep?
What if these people are standing right behind you right now?
They Speak Inside Your Mind
What if these people have access to your thoughts?
What if these negative people have access to your dreams?
What if it’s these negative people are the ones that are putting those voices in your mind?
What if you are really living in an experiment, and nothing around you is real?
Cell Walls Important
Cells have walls that keep the inside of the cell from the outside of the cell.
DNA can only exist in the nucleus.
RNA can only exist outside the nucleus.
Electromagnetism very much serves as an invisible force binding things together and keeping things separate.
Force Field Boundary
One theory is that there is a yet to be discovered energy field keeping the anti matter universe from the matter universe, very much like a cell membrane.
But if physicists keep building particle accelerators, they might inadvertently rip a hole in this invisible, yet to be discovered boundary.
If that happens, it would be like ripping open a cell wall, which kills the cell rather instantly.
Because the answer to his problem represented a square root, he had to accept it.
Invention Of Anti Matter
But it was the square root of a mass.
Which mean the answer had to be positive matter, and anti-matter.
Which means that anti matter was discovered mathematically before it was discovered scientifically and physically.
This means that there must be some yet to be discovered type of matter that is represented mathematically by imaginary numbers.
Numbers that are the square root of a negative number.
So, Explain This Idea?
Imagine you had a friend that was just as smart as you.
But for some reason, he hadn’t gone through a normal, modern education system.
So he had no idea what it meant that the square root of four was both two and negative two.
How would you explain it to him?
It’s easy to see how 2+3=5.
See These Coconuts?
Show two coconuts.
Show three coconuts.
Count them up and you get five.
But how would you explain to somebody that if you multiply two negative coconuts negative two times, you get four coconuts?
Credit Card Times Credit Card
If you could multiply negative money negative times, you could get positive money.
But since you can’t do this with money, how are you supposed to be able to do this with coconuts?
Or any other kind of nuts?
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