What Is He Saying?
I have this really weird friend that only speaks in structure language.
He avoids content at all costs, and, surprisingly enough, it’s very compelling and soothing to listen to this person.
Like all you want to do is blank your mind, when you listen to this person.
All you want to do is forget everything, and let this person do your thinking for you.
Love Generation
You find yourself having a strong attraction for this person.
You find yourself wanting to naturally and easily being able to follow these commands without even knowing why.
Goats vs. Cars
A very interesting thing happens when you study how, specifically, the Monty Hall problem slide into the public consciousness.
This used to be a very esoteric and little known about problem from probability and statistics.
The problem is simple.
You are on the game show, “Let’s Make A Deal,” and you have three doors to choose from.
Behind one is a car, behind the other two are goats.
You choose door number three.
Monty Hall opens door number one, showing a goat.
Not Intuitive
The question is, would it make sense, from a statistical and probability standpoint to change your guess?
Somebody wrote to Marilyn vos Savant in the mid 80’s asking this question.
She wrote back explaining the correct answer.
If you don’t know, Marilyn vos Savant has a recognized IQ of over 180.
But at the time, neither Marilyn vos Savant or this particular question had any social proof, authority, or commitment and consistency attached to it.
Independent Thinking Is Difficult
So the only way to follow her answer was to use your own brain, your own thinking, and not be able to refer to authority or social proof.
And because of this, she got plenty of hate mail from professors of statistics, telling her why her answer was wrong.
There was a psychology lecture I watched on YouTube a few weeks ago.
The lady was talking about instinct mismatch.
Junk Food Brain
That all our desires, all our thinking is driven by instincts.
We eat food because it tastes good, and that helped us survive in the past.
Whoever was lucky enough to have the genes that made healthy food taste good survived.
Whoever was unlucky enough to have the genes that made unhealthy food taste good did not survive.
She also said our brains are not wired to seek truth.
Deep Fried Ideas
Our brains are wired to accept ideas, and to feel good accepting these ideas, that are only backed by social proof and authority.
On a much bigger scale, our brains are resonating chambers.
We can only really believe what those around us believe.
That it creates very negative mental feelings to believe things contrary to our social reference group, and the authorities recognized by our social reference group.
Subconscious Triggers Only
And ideas that we repeatedly refer to, inside your mind, add in the element of commitment and consistency.
Which means these three things are of primary importance.
Social proof, authority, and commitment and consistency.
But on a bigger level, our minds can only exist as part of a collective hallucination.
Who’s Steering This Brain?
A collective hallucination that serves as a hive mind imagination device.
And the imagination held by this hive mind, of which we are only one part, is only a means to an end, and is rarely true on its own.
And just like we eat junk food because it tastes good, we believe junk ideas because they make us feel good.
And just like junk food will eventually kill us, junk ideas will eventually kill us.
And just like it’s very hard to only eat healthy food, and in healthy amounts, it’s very hard to hold on to healthy ideas, and in healthy amounts.
We’d much rather eat junk food, and believe junk ideas, thinking they are true, even though we know this is going to kill us.
Intelligence Eventually Triumphs
After a bunch of back and forth hate mail, some of which Marilyn vos Savant published, the correct Monty Hall solution slowly made it’s way into the hive mind.
And now because the Monty Hall problem solution has both social proof and authority, it’s even been on a few TV shows, it’s easy to understand by pretty much anybody.
But before, when it didn’t have any social proof or authority, even professors of statistics told Ms. vos Savant she was wrong.
Even though she and her super genius brain were right.
I guess even professors of statistics have a hard time thinking separately from the crowd.
Resonant Chamber Preparation
After he speaks to you long enough, you’ll have this strange sense of remembering something important, although you’re not quite sure what just happened.
This is the power of speaking only in structure language.
If you can learn to do this, if you can learn to speak only in structure language, you can create an empty resonance chamber in somebody’s mind.
Slide Them Right In
And inside this empty resonance chamber, you can put in any ideas you like.
Ideas they’ll act on immediately.
Or the starting points of fantastic ideas that you can begin to discover, now, on your own.
Whenever you are ready, now.
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