Downtown Bookshop
There’s a pretty cool bookstore downtown. It’s pretty big, it’s got a lot of those big comfy chairs, and they have their own coffee shop. But what makes this bookstore cool is it’s privately owned, it’s not part of a big chain.
The owner is this really eccentric old couple who absolutely hate big corporations. So while this bookstore looks very much like a Barnes and Noble, everything is completely up to them. Half the books are used, and I’m pretty sure these two are financially well off, so they don’t have to worry too much about profits.
This means they have tons of hard to find and out of print books. They also have a pretty interesting open mic night. Most of the time it’s people reading their own poetry.
Personal Poetry Sharing
And as you’d guess, most of it is kind of personal, and just getting up and reading it is an accomplishment for most of them. They get up and pretty much read directly from their paper.
You can tell that these words mean a lot to them, but most of us in the audience don’t really get it.We’ more moved by the fact that they got up and shared.
But there’s this one guy that always waits till the last one. He doesn’t read, he doesn’t even bring up any paper. He would just recite from memory, or at least I thought it was from memory.
Moving Average Metaphors
He would speak in weird metaphors and metaphysics. And he would kind of trance out the whole audience. His poems would often rhyme, but he would use a lot of very complex linguistic technology.
Like some of the ideas would take a while to sink in. He’d be seven or eight lines past a previous metaphor, but as he kept getting further and further into his poem, each previous metaphor would take on a different meaning.
Frequently he would stack metaphors, each having a different trailing moving average of memory. They would have a delayed effect. So when he finished, it would take a while for the poem to slide through our brains to have the intended effect, which was quite a hallucination.
Personality Paradox
Finally I got up the nerve to talk to this guy. I was afraid he’d look directly at me, and his charisma and words would have such combined power my brain would take a few days to recover.
But the opposite happened, in a one on one setting, he was really soft spoken, very gentle and very friendly. I wanted to know where he got his ideas from.
He told me he’s always been interested in poetry. And he had a kind of brainstorming strategy of coming up with ideas. And he’s always been curious about going different places to brainstorm.
Vacant House Inspiration
He decided to try in this empty house in his neighborhood. He only found it was empty by accident. I guess a lot banks these days try and keep neighbors from knowing about foreclosures. They keep the lawn and everything looking nice to make it easier to sell.
Once he figured out it was empty, he’d sneak inside at night, and sit in up against the wall. He would relax and journal without looking, just to see what would happen.
He said that it took a while, but he eventually got to the point where he started to realize that he had way more ideas in his brain than he could possibly write down.
Then They Showed Up
He did that for a few nights until it happened.
After being in that point of realizing the massiveness in your brain, the spirit guides would show up. He said it was a much different feeling. A kind of switch, a very subtle presence.
That you know there are other people feeding you ideas and information, and your brain and body is like a conduit. You are receiving ideas and insights that can’t possibly come from your own mind or experience.
One Hour Channeling
These spirit guides stay with you for about an hour, and finally your brain can’t just take any more. Like they know how long to let information flow through you before you blow a fuse.
By the time he’s done, he has an entire notebook filled with sentences and phrases. Then he goes home, and the next morning, he looks through and picks out the fifteen or twenty that seem to work best together.
And those fifteen or twenty are what comprises his poetry. He says when he is reading the poem it feels like he is a conduit again. That the spirit guides are speaking through him, and they are the ones that are affecting the collective consciousness of the audience.
Merging Consciousness
And for those brief few moments while he’s channeling their metaphors, everybody’s consciousness is temporarily merged. Spirit guides and the collective unconscious of the audience. This is why these words have such a profound effect.
I kind of suspect that the old couple who own this bookshop have an idea of what’s going on. I also suspect this has something to do with their financial success.
The coffee is extremely cheap, and very good. The books are ancient, but they are only a couple dollars. And some of the titles don’t even seem to have been published.
Magic Metaphors and Hypnosis
It’s just a lot of books on a lot of esoteric topics about magic and metaphysics and how to use words to hypnotize the collective unconscious of any group.
It’s definitely one of the coolest places I’ve found to hang out. The weird part is it’s usually pretty crowded, but there seems to be an unspoken, unwritten yet completely unanimous rule to not interrupt anybody.
It’s as if everybody in the book shop is always experiencing things in their own way, and absolutely do not want to be disturbed.
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