Finally Broke Up
I have a friend who just broke up with her boyfriend.
She’d been wanting to break up with him for a long time, and was always asking my advice, and she finally did it.
Now she’s having regrets, and she wanted me to hypnotize her to help forget the things that are pulling her back, and to help remember the reasons that used to exist that drove her to finally do what is now in the past.
Get Your Ex Back
The most popular informational products you’ll find online represent the biggest desires.
How to find or reclaim love.
Since love, the absence of love, and particularly lost love, can represent such a never ending source of emotional anguish, there will always be a market demand for anything that promises to relieve the pain.
Sudden Transfer
I have a friend in Japan who was just transferred.
If you get a decent job with a decent company in Japan, it’s a pretty solid bet that you’ll be employed for life.
But the flip side is that these big companies tend to treat their employees like chess pieces, and move them around at will.
He just found out he is being transferred to another division, in another city.
Instant Sadness
His wife and two young kids will stay at home, and he will see them once or twice a month.
Everybody is very sad.
It’s a very common idea that we have both physical and spiritual elements to our being.
A very common reframe is that we are not physical beings having a spiritual experience, but we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.
Who Chose What?
The question is, why, from a spiritual standpoint, did we decide to become physical beings?
Was it a random choice?
Are there larger forces at play?
Many religions seem to recognize that a common element of our physical existence is to suffer.
One Side Into The Other
If this is true, then whey, as purely physical beings, did we choose a life of suffering?
One theory says that it wasn’t really our choice.
That is yet another aspect of the yin and yang metaphor, another commonly misunderstood idea.
It’s not meant to be a static balance.
Inhale – Exhale
It represents a never-ending shift of one flowing into the other.
One side will always desire the other side.
You want to inhale, and you inhale.
But soon you will want nothing more than to exhale.
Cycle Is Life
This constant cycle will continue as long as you are alive.
You want to eat, so you eat.
But soon you will want nothing more than to sleep, and eventually to relieve yourself.
We want love, we want companionship.
Leave Me Alone
And then we want nothing more than solitude.
The idea is that our spiritual-physical selves are forever oscillating just like our breath.
When we are our physical selves, we want nothing but to return to our spiritual selves.
When we are our spiritual selves, we want nothing more than to return to our physical selves.
Big Banging
Many theories in physics see our big bang as one of many, never ending, essentially endless cycles.
Another friend was in a similar situation, but instead of everybody being sad, everybody is happy.
He was transferred to help manage a new factory in Thailand.
He would essentially live off the company credit card.
Happy Boy
He was very happy.
His wife would stay in Japan and receive his entire salary.
She is very happy.
His three sons, who are all in high school, are very happy.
Best Burger In Town
Products that are based on performance compete on product quality.
Cars and cheeseburgers have characteristics that are easy to judge and measure and compare.
Products like how to get your ex back, are more based on marketing.
Best Marketing In Town
Since they are selling something that might not be possible.
The problem she was having was not focusing on all four quadrants.
We always have a present state, and a future state.
Our present state has good parts, and bad parts.
Quadrant Calibration
Our future state has good parts, and bad parts.
Often, we over emphasize the negatives of our present state, and overemphasize the positives of the future state.
And at the same time, we under emphasize the present positives and future negatives.
Always In Balance
So it’s easy to have regrets once we move forward.
The future, once it becomes the present, doesn’t seem as good as we’d hoped.
The present, once it becomes the past, sometimes seems better than we’d remembered.
In either case, when anticipating the future or longing for the past, all you need to do is recalibrate your four quadrants.
Until you create a balance that’s right, for you.
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