One Day At The Gym
I was leaving the gym a couple of weeks ago. I was walking out past the front desk and I saw this guy that I talk to sometimes. Sometimes when I go I see him sometimes when coming in I see him a lot when I’m leaving. We end up on the bikes or the stair climber next to each other.
He mentioned that he was meeting a couple of his clients at a nearby bar restaurant that was in the same mini mall at the gym. He asked if I wanted to come so I said sure why not.
I was walking to my car to throw my gym bag in the trunk and I remembered this time way back when I started working after college. When I was in college I drank a lot of alcohol. It took me a while the transition from a college age drinking party person to a responsible productive member of society person.
Alcohol Transition
When I had my first job after college I had a couple of friends that were in that same kind of transition phase. We would go on drinking every Friday night and would frequently not come home until early Saturday morning after the sun started to come up.
One time we went to this street fair downtown. It was a big deal and so we planned ahead of time. We each got a hotel room near the city center so we could get up in the morning walk around downtown get sloshed, wander around and pass out.
It was the first night and we had become separated. There was about six of us. Because we were all staying in a nearby hotel we didn’t really worry about needing to meet up to go on any other excursions anywhere else.
Wandering Drunk
While I was wandering around alone in a pretty good mood I saw this psychic in this booth. There was this one street that had a lot of booths. Some of them are selling food some of them had simple games and there was this one psychic.
She was in the middle of giving a reading to this very attractive female and so I walked over. In my inebriated state I thought it would be a good idea to walk over and pretend that I was looking at the information while trying to eavesdrop on what this psychic was telling to this attractive female.
I stood there and kind of positioned myself strategically so I could both pretend I was reading the information inside the booth and be able to listen to what was being said. I saw this one poster, this poster was one of those optical illusions where obviously it’s not moving because it’s a piece of paper but when you look at it a certain way it looks like it’s spinning around the circle.
Optical Illusions
While I was staring at this thing spin around in a circle which it couldn’t be spinning around in a circle I had this sudden feeling of silence wash over my brain. It was as if all of the background sounds of the carnival suddenly vanished.
All I could hear in my mind was the voice of the psychic woman but I couldn’t hear her the way I heard her when she was talking to the girl when I was trying to eavesdrop. It sounded as if her voice was coming from inside my own brain.
She told me, she said I know why you’re here. You might think you came by here by accident but because you are listening to my voice now there is a much deeper reason why you are listening to these ideas. Because you have a deep desire to be able to read the thoughts of other people.
You Want To Control Minds
You have had this deep desire to read the thoughts of other people for a very very long time. More importantly you have a deep desire to predict the actions of other people based on their thoughts that you wish to read.
Beyond that you have a desire to control other people. You have a deep desire and deep craving to be able to install your intentions into the mind of other people. Get them to act on those intentions as if they were their own.
When you have this power that means you can make other people do anything you want. This is something that you know is very very powerful but you also you know this is something you should never share with other people. If you share these ideas, these intentions with other people they might think that you are very evil.
Skills Are How They Are Used
Of course these tools are just like any other skills. You can use them for good or you can use them for evil you’ll never know which you are unless you have the power to be one or the other.
It’s easy to pretend you’re good if you are too weak to be evil. It’s another thing completely to be good when you are completely strong enough to be evil when you can be evil and no one will know you are being evil but you simply choose to not be evil.
This is why you need to develop these powers. This is why you need to learn the powers to control other people with your thinking. This is why you need to develop the skills to look inside their mind and be able to predict what they are going to do.
Remember This Experience
The more you think about this in the future the more you remember this conversation. The more you start to understand how this is your destiny and the more you remember this into the future the more you’ll start to see opportunities to do this.
To see people out wherever you go out and be able to use your thoughts to control their actions.
Then it was completely silent for a few minutes. I didn’t hear any sounds of people walking behind me. I didn’t hear any sounds of the psychic talking to the attractive female. I didn’t hear the sounds of the wind blowing against the canvas of the psychic booth.
Everybody Can See Inside You
Then I started to feel like everybody in the world was looking at me. I felt like the entire world and stopped and everybody was staring right at me deep into my mind deep into my soul deep into my memory.
I slowly turned and the psychic and the attractive young female were both staring right at me. As soon as I looked at them they kind of smiled and they nodded slightly like go ahead that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do.
I was instantly very very terrified and I turned away and I started walking when I walked back to my hotel and went to sleep and I’ve never had any alcohol since.
I Just Quit
Every time after that incident my friends would always ask me why I decided to stop drinking and I was kind and gave them some kind of excuse that I would make up in the moment but I never told anybody until now the real reason. I don’t why I remember this.
I finally got to my trunk, my car and threw my gym bag in the trunk. I met these other guys and this guy from the gym at the restaurant and everyone had a nonalcoholic drink. It was these business customers these clients that he came to visit him at his company and they had already signed the contract.
They were leaving the next morning. This was just kind of a goodbye drink not even a dinner and everyone ordered something simple we only sat there for about 20 minutes.
They Come Back When You Least Expect It
It’s strange how you have a thought a very important profound experience and you suddenly forget about this but then it just pops into your mind for no reason later on when you least expect it.
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