Party People
I was at this party the other night, and there were these two people, guy and a girl, that were flirting with each other from across the room.
But it was just barely perceptible.
Every time the girl would make eye contact with the guy, her eyes would quickly dart away and she had this kind of half excited, half nervous look.
The guy was about the same.
Both were attracted to each other, but both seemed really shy and introverted.
Dragons are Everywhere
A curious facet of ancient mythology is that in both ancient European mythology and ancient Chinese mythology is the idea of a dragon.
They appear slightly different, in Europe dragons are more like giant lizards, kind of like Godzilla, whereas in China they are more like snakes.
But it’s kind of weird that in both ancient mythology, you’ll find a common monster.
A gigantic, flying reptile that can breathe fire.
Rhyming History
Mark Twain is famous for saying that history doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes.
This matches with what some historians call a cyclical view of history.
That despite advances in technology, because human nature will always be the same, the same cycles happen over and over.
This matches very well with the common idea that you’ll find quoted online, that hard times make hard men, hard men make good times, good times make soft men, and soft men make hard times.
There is a very old myth, some say that predates the King Arthur legend, about the very first European kingdom.
Pre Roman Empire
This was long before the rise of the Roman Empire.
This first kingdom was ruled by a very good king, perhaps the only good king the world had ever had.
He ruled over a very large, and very rich kingdom.
They had everything they needed.
Which meant that they were vulnerable to attack by all the jealous and growing kingdoms around them.
Secret Ruling Strategy
But this king figured out a way to keep them absolutely invulnerable to attack.
And that involved giving away all the land to the farmers.
He would let the farmers own their own land, and do whatever they wanted with it.
They could grow whatever they wanted, and sell it to whomever they wanted for whatever price they wanted.
The king would collect a 3% tax to pay for a standing army to guard the external borders.
Self Generated Defense
But few other kingdoms every made it very far when attempting to invade.
When you own your own land, and you use your own land to make money, you are going to very, very motivated to keep out any invaders.
Just like bees are genetically programmed to fight to the death.
Just like all territorial mammals, including humans are programmed genetically to fight to the death to protect what is theirs.
Because the people in this kingdom were so motivated to protect enemy forces from invading their land, this kingdom lasted for centuries.
Self Generated Lives
All because the best way to rule was to rule least.
Because when you have the capacity to make your own money is something that you can use to buy anything you want.
Just like blood carries needed energy throughout the body, money carries needed goods and services throughout societies have risen and fallen in tandem with the purity of the monetary system.
Just like a body will die when the blood becomes impure, and impure monetary system will cause a society to dying is inevitable for all things.
End With A Bang
In China they have a saying, that all empires start with a good Emperor, and end with a bad Emperor.
If you study the various monarchs in various European countries, they never last for more than a few generations.
They start off strong, eventually become corrupt and are overthrown, usually with a lot of violence.
There are three basic structural reasons why you’d find dragons in Europe as well as China.
Where’d They Go?
One is that there really were dragons.
Two is that there was only one dragon story, and this one dragon story made its way to both China and Europe.
The third is that the dragon story arose in both places because of the similarity in structure between the environment, and our brains.
Both places have poisonous snakes.
Flying Snakes of Death
Poisonous snakes can come out of nowhere, bite you, and kill you.
Getting bit by a snake feels like fire.
So it would seem to be the perfect template for a horrific monster that can come out of nowhere and kill you.
Imagine how freaked out people get if they are watching TV and a bee or a wasp comes flying in the room.
Now imagine a flying rattlesnake comes in instead.
Let’s Get Some Tacos
We decided to go to Del Taco, and we ended up going back to the party a couple hours later.
When we got back, the shy couple that had been just barely flirting with each other were coming out of one of the bedrooms.
They both looked liked they’d been banging the crap out of each other for the past hour or so.
And they both looked very, very happy.
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