Unknown Extra https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Dec26_Post.mp4 Once, way back in college, I borrowed my friends motorcycle. On the way back from wherever I was going, I ran out of gas. So I walked back home. My friend asked where his bike was. I explained, and he shook his head. We walked to his […]
Benjamin Heptagon
Underground Destruction There’s this very clever and wealthy real estate mogul who makes his money by shorting the real estate market. This is not an easy thing to do. You have to set up a system where you make money when real estate goes down. The reason he is so successful is […]
Sex Transmutation Discovery
Enhanced Creativity I have a friend who has made a recent discovery. This discovery has brought him extraordinary powers, but also with that has come some unexpected complications. He’s been practicing sex transmutation, which has significantly increased his creativity, his charisma and his persuasiveness. But paradoxically, it is leaving the women that […]