Authority Goes A Long Way
They did an experiment in a hospital once.
Part of a larger group of experiments.
A researcher would call a nurse.
The researcher would identify themselves as a Dr., but one they’d never heard of before.
“Hi, this Dr. Schmeckleberry…”
And they would tell the nurse to give a patient a certain medication.
One they were certain that nurse would know was dangerous.
They were very careful and would have other researchers hanging out in the patients room.
And most of the time, the nurse would go in, ready to give the patient the medicine the Dr. had recommended.
One that the nurse KNEW was dangerous.
The researchers would stop her, usually on her way, before she even went into the room.
Just to make sure it was safe.
There is an interesting movie called “Compliance.”
Based on a true story.
Do What I Say
A guy called a random person on the phone.
Pretended to be a cop.
And told the person on the phone, a fast food worker, to do some pretty bad stuff to another employee.
Just to see how far they could go.
Since they went pretty far, they made a movie out of it.
See a pattern?
Even a FAKE authority on the phone can convince people to do some pretty terrible things.
Here’s another experiment.
This was done way back during the seventies, for context.
Clothes Make The Man
They sent a bunch of dudes out to lunch.
One guy per restaurant.
Half the guys were dressed casually.
The other half dressed professionally.
Suits, ties, etc.
In ALL cases the dudes said they wanted to pay by check.
But they’d forgotten their wallets.
For the guys dressed casually that was a problem.
For the guys dressed in suits, it wasn’t a problem.
So when you LOOK like an authority, based on your clothes, you can get away with a lot.
When you IDENTIFY as an authority, even over the phone you can convince people (who should know better) to do some pretty crazy things.
Does this mean that most people are brainless when authority speaks?
Leverage This Instinct
Pretty much.
But this is not a bad thing.
Not in the least.
Imagine two different groups of people.
Ancient people.
Both looking at a wooly mammoth.
A potential FEAST that may last for weeks.
One tribe has the “shut off your brain and listen to authority” instinct.
These guys would be like a very tightly organized football team.
The QB silently calling the shots.
The soldiers IMMEDIATELY obeying them.
The other dudes would be arguing over who’s “turn it was” to be in charge.
The first group would get the kill, have the party, and enjoy themselves.
The second group would go hungry, and eventually go extinct.
This is who we are.
You can RESPOND to authority.
You can wander the Earth looking for authority figures to tell you what to do.
Or you can simply CHOOSE to be an authority.
And see how EASY life can be.
Learn How:
Authority Amplifier
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