Used Book Search
I’ve been looking for this obscure book for a long time.
I found the reference in the back of another book I got at a used book store a couple of years ago.
The reference described this as dangerous metaphysical secrets that ancient governments have continually suppressed throughout the ages.
It only had that blurb, a title and a publisher.
I could only find a couple references to it online, and both wanted a lot of money up front, and no refunds.
Too Expensive
The cheapest price I could find a was $1500.
But you never know with used books.
It could be that expensive because of the content, or it could be because it is so rare.
I decided to head down to my local library, not because I’d though I’d find it there.
I figured library people might be better at tracking down rare and out of print books.
Secret Reading Room
She told me they do have it in this special reading room in a business college about twenty miles from here.
One of those rooms where they let you look at books but not take them home.
While I was walking in, I noticed this lady putting up fliers for an open lecture about societies as organisms.
It was being given by an author I haven’t read but have heard of before.
The theory is old but isn’t popular.
Ego Based History
It avoids the common view that history can be seen through the decisions of influential people.
Which kinds of allows us to believe that we have the potential to become an influential person.
If you wanted figure out how an unknown system works, the best way is to come up with a mathematical model.
Then you see how close your model can predict the behaviors of the unknown system.
If you are close, you keep tweaking your model.
If you are wrong, you toss your model and come up with a new one.
Black Body Radiation
My favorite all time example of this is when they discovered quantum physics.
It involved trying to come up with various mathematical models to describe something called black body radiation.
There’s a common desire, especially in modern times, to try to find out the purpose of life.
You’ll find plenty of people who say what we, as humans are supposed to do.
Like some people say we are supposed to reproduce.
Praise Jesus
Or we are supposed to give glory to God.
Or we are supposed to be good citizens and follow the laws.
One anthropologist had a theory that we aren’t really supposed to do anything.
Rather we are driven to take the ideas in our minds and transform them into real, physical things.
This only seems confusing today because everything is so easy.
The acquisition of needed calories and needed safety functions was made very easy after the Industrial Revolution.
Environmental Based Needs
But before that, getting our needs met was a constant worry. A constant struggle.
In only a few hundred years, we’ve gone from never being sure about even getting enough calories to thinking about most of necessary things as fundamental human rights.
One model of the human brain is as an intention creator.
We have an intention in mind, and our brains, sensing and measuring capabilities coupled with our physical behaviors serve as a means to an end.
To keep trying different things to keep getting closer and closer.
To be able to measure results to see if we are getting closer.
Continuous Refinement
To do more of what works.
To do less of what doesn’t work.
Our mind-body system is most on purpose when we are actively pursuing a strong desire.
Up until that last couple hundred years, this desire was always related to survival.
Ancient and Pressing Needs
We were always worried about being able to create more wealth.
We were always worried about being able to keep your family safe.
We were always worried about saving more surplus wealth.
This drive led us to keep being able to invent new things.
New things that would make it even easier to create wealth.
New things that would make it even easier to stay safe.
Only in the last couple hundred years, we’ve been so successful it’s very easy to sit around and ONLY dream.
Imagination And Creation
His idea is that our main purpose is to continue to imagine things, and then spend most of our time taking those ideas that exist in your brain and turning them into real things.
That if you even have a ten percent success rate, if every ten ideas turns into only one thing, you are still doing very good.
It’s hard to imagine this today, when we are being essentially brainwashed to want instant gratification for everything.
When our attention spans are continuously and purposely being destroyed.
Old School Geniuses
Einstein, Bohr and a couple of other super geniuses kept trying to come up with mathematical models for black body radiation, but they kept being wrong.
Then Max Plank came up with a very simple idea.
His simple idea was that energy is a countable noun.
That it is discrete.
Up until that point they just assumed that energy is an uncountable noun.
Making that small shift changed everything.
Maps Not Chaps
The lecturers idea was similar to the old idea of expressed in the saying, “Maps not chaps.”
This basically means the geography is a much more important driver of human history than any individual decision by any individual person.
The latest guy to write about this theory was Jared Diamond, in this book, “Guns, Germs and Steel.”
After the lecture I went to the reading room. When I leave my house, I normally don’t take my device.
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
I like to keep my brain unfettered by the temptation to check my device.
But on that particular day, I wish I’d brought it.
I wanted to take pictures of all the books they had in the reading room.
Not only did they have the book I was looking for, but they had many other books.
And in these books are some very interesting information.
If This Works…
In this books are ideas that I can’t wait to try.
In this books are things I didn’t think were possible.
Things that have sent my mind spinning in all kinds of directions since.
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