Free Sales Seminar
I went to an interesting seminar a few years ago. It was free, and it had a whole bunch of speakers.
Each speaker would present for an hour or two, and each person would try and upsell some kind of home study course.
One guy started talking, and he used this Russian doll as kind of a prop.
As he kept talking, he kept opening up this big Russian doll, and then pulling out a smaller doll that was on the inside.
Fractal Fascination
I’ve always been fascinated by fractal patterns.
They haven’t been around for long, I think they were invented or created back in the seventies.
A simple example would be to start with a triangle. And then each of the three sides, you put another triangle, so now you have a twelve sided figure, that sort of looks like a Star of David but without the lines crossing.
One continuous line on the outside.
Then you put another triangle on each of the twelve sides, going smaller and smaller.
Infinitely Smaller
Do this an infinite amount of time and you’ve got a fractal.
An easy way to persuade somebody is to leverage their criteria.
But not just the surface level criteria, but their higher order criteria.
Like if somebody is buying a car, one of their surface level criteria might be safety.
But if you ask their higher order criteria, it might be to know their family is safe.
Higher Level Criteria
An even higher level criteria might be that they deeply value their relationships with their loves ones.
One way to look at higher level criteria are the intangible things that are supported by surface level criteria.
Before humans evolved rational self aware minds, we were like all other animals.
Never ending desires to stay safe, get enough food and to reproduce.
But now with our conscious minds, we have these deep instinctive desires, and our consciously expressed desires.
Social Status
One powerful proxy that served as an ancient currency after we developed conscious awareness but before we created large societies was social status.
The idea of getting social status allowed everybody to compete to see who was the most productive.
To see who could kill the largest animal and get the most needed calories for the tribe.
Those who were the most productive had the most social status.
Those that had the most social status had the most sex.
Pareto Kids
Consequently, every new generation was produced by the members of the previous generation that were the most productive.
Very much like an ancient Pareto principle.
The top twenty percent of every tribe was responsible for eighty percent of the productivity, had eighty percent of the sex, and created eighty percent of the next generation.
This means the most common desire in all modern humans is a desire to achieve real social status based on real accomplishments.
To accomplish great things to get great rewards.
To create fantastic ideas that get massive social validation.
To solve huge problems and earn tons of money.
Higher Order Criteria Difficult
The problem with leveraging criteria is that it requires people to consciously know what their higher order criteria is.
It also requires they be willing to talk to somebody about it, which is rarely the case.
The cool thing about fractals is if you can get a computer generated fractal, you can zoom in a billion times and the patterns on the edges will keep repeating themselves.
Probably the most famous fractal is one called the Mandlebrot set.
Another cool thing about fractals is they have a finite area, but an infinite circumference.
Infinite Zoom
The area on the inside is a finite amount.
But the line going around the outside is infinitely long.
Finally the guy got to the very tiniest Russian doll and inside was a red diamond.
Not a metaphorical blood diamond, but a literal red diamond.
Very rare and very expensive.
He was a diamond broker and specialized in finding people who had really expensive family heirlooms but didn’t realize it.
Finder of Hidden Treasures
Then he would broker them, split the profits and everybody would get rich.
His metaphor is that if you can find the hidden treasure that exists inside all people, you can motivate them to do great things.
You might have to keep looking deeper and deeper, like in his set of Russian dolls, but if you keep looking, you’ll find it.
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