You’ll never find an end to the common arguments that always pop up on seduction forums. Looks vs. money, tall guys vs. short guys, three second rule or not, and the list goes on and on. The truth is that regardless of what you’re talking about, everybody’s blinded by their own strengths and weaknesses. Especially […]
How To Get Her Cave Girl Brain Thinking Of You
Most girls love the idea of being chased. I mean, not by some crazy dude with a hatchet, but by some guy she wants chasing her. And most guys are hard wired to chase. There’s a reason for this. Most of our behaviors are run by instincts, despite how much we think we’re logical and […]
Two Simple Tricks To Increase Attraction and Seduction
The words you use, and how you use them can have a HUGE impact on your ability to seduce women. And I’m not talking about super complicated language patterns or techniques, just a few changes here and there, and a few tweaks to your delivery, and you’ll have magical results. First, let’s review what girls […]
How The Geeky Guy Got The Gorgeous Girl
I was at this party recently. There was this gorgeous girl who was married to this geek. I don’t mean that in a bad way. He was just NOT the kind of guy you expect to see with a girl like that. I mean she was friendly, very attractive, intelligent, and had a pretty nice […]
The Matrix, Seduction, Metaphors And Other Helpful Mythology
Often times on various seduction message boards, you’ll hear people talk about “unplugging from the Matrix.” This, of course, is a reference to the famous movie, where everybody thought they were living a real life, but were in fact hooked up to a machine, and it was all a dream. In actuality, people were being […]
How To Hit The Unconscious Triggers Of Female Attraction
Have you ever been on a diet? Or maybe you decided to lose a few pounds, so you could reveal that six pack to the world? It ain’t easy. You start off with good intentions, then the first time you smell some fries, or a double-double, or even see some people on TV eating something, […]
The Two Easy Secrets To Getting Girls To Qualify Themselves To You
Since the dawn of time, guy girl relationships have been complicated. Never easy. On the one hand, kings and leaders seemed to have gotten more than their fair share the girls. DNA evidence shows this is true. On the other hand, ordinary guys were able to hook up with ordinary girls. But the dynamics were […]
The Paradoxical Secret Of Attraction Generation
One of the most mind bending ideas I’ve heard about the idea of attraction was met with huge arguments from some of my closest friends. When I explained my new “understanding,” they called me “jaded, hurt, emotionally wounded,” but I felt completely the opposite upon this new insight. I felt it gave me a lot […]
Your Step By Step Guide To Creating Attraction
There you are. You’re in the club, or bookstore, or coffee shop, and you see a cute girl. She’s given you some pretty good eye contact, and you’re reasonably sure she wouldn’t kick you in the nuts if you go over there and talk to her. What do you do next? The first step is […]
How To Impress A Girl With Conversational Hypnosis
There’s an idea in the stock market, or stock market trading that is based on “moving averages.” For example, if you look at a stock chart, the price will be all over the place. But if you plot the price as moving average, it’s a lot smoother. So each point on the chart will be […]