Unknown Extra https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Dec26_Post.mp4 Once, way back in college, I borrowed my friends motorcycle. On the way back from wherever I was going, I ran out of gas. So I walked back home. My friend asked where his bike was. I explained, and he shook his head. We walked to his […]
Ideal Kindergarten Law
Old Weird Friend I had a friend way back in college who worked at 7-11. This guy was a real weirdo. This guys said his favorite part was stocking the fridge. Secret Break Time https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Sept29Loop.mp4 That this was a place he could escape from the customers and relax. But then later, […]
Long Game Mind Control
Plastic Boat There’s a lot of way to create work, from a scientific standpoint. Nearly all useful work is created by differences in temperature or electrical potential. But you can also generate work through differences in surface tension. You take these tiny, plastic boats, floating on water. They are built so […]