Long Game https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22Aug20_Post.mp3 There’s an interesting theory posed by an economist. A couple of economists actually. The first compared life before agriculture to life after agriculture. When you are a hunter gatherer, you are always living in the now. If you are hungry, you go out and kill something now and […]
Angels and Bus Stops
Wandering Man Once there was a wanderer. Who would go from town to town. And do odd jobs whenever he was needed. When he felt like traveling some more. He would travel some more. One day he was sitting on a bus stop. And while he was waiting. […]
Mental Grip
Easy Way To Increase Confidence and Decrease Anxiety There are plenty different ways to look at things. There are plenty of different ways to categorize things. For example, you could put everything in the world in two categories: Things that are edible and things that aren’t. Or you could walk into a supermarket and categorize […]