Orphan Hero https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22May30_Post.mp3 Every hero starts out as an orphan. Why is this? A common question about “why things are like is” in the form of: Why did they make it this way? This basic question, the structure of the question, reveals a lot about human nature. Namely, we always […]
Hierarchical Brain Structures
Big History If you study big history, you’ll see plenty of similarities between all major civilizations. Doesn’t matter where or when they are, they all share many similarities. For example, you’ll find pyramids in plenty of cultures. Egyptian, Meso-American and ancient Greece. Another common trait is how they modified the environment to […]
Divine Child Origins
Called Me In A Panic A friend of mine called me a couple of weeks ago and absolute panic. She told me she was pregnant. She said a whole bunch of other stuff, terrible was happening, but she couldn’t really calm herself down enough to explain exactly what was happening. So, I went over to […]