The Human Unique Selling Proposition What is our best feature, as humans? Many people like to talk about this, since we are pretty different from all the other animals. Some don’t even like to accept that we are animals, imagining that we are some special beings above the rest. Chimp DNA But there seems […]
How To Consistently Increase Your Skills Of Game And Seduction
Attraction is a funny thing. You know that it’s not a choice, and that it doesn’t happen consciously, right? Yet so many of us think that talking about it is going to make it happen. Like talking to somebody about food is going to make them hungry when they’re not, or talking to them about […]
How And Why To Find Practice Girls For Consistent Improvement
Most girls can sniff out desperation from a mile away. Meaning if you haven’t got any action in a while, and you make a move on her, she’s going to know. If you’ve ever been in a happy relationship with a woman, you know that this is the time that all those girls out there […]
Daily Practice To Become An Unstoppable Force Of Nature
Here’s a pretty powerful exercise that works not like you think it will. Whenever we go into situations where we’ll be discussing something with somebody, and the outcome isn’t yet determined, a couple of things will happen. One is you’ve got some hopes about what you want to have happen, and you’ll also have some […]
Your Daily Seduction Review For Massive Acceleration Of Success
If you’re like most guys, you hate the idea of getting rejected. Even though it’s supposed to better than not doing anything (rejection is better than regret), it still sucks. You think of something interesting to say, grab your balls and walk over there, in front of EVERYBODY, and then she says something like, “Oh, […]
The Secrets To Everlasting Seduction Success
What’s the difference between world class athletes and the rest of us? Inherent skill? Luck? Maybe. Sure, if you’ve got some basic coordination skills, decent size and speed, you’d do better than most at most sports. But only a little bit. Maybe enough to be a starter on a high school team. Not nearly enough […]
Imagine Your Way To Natural Game
Here’s quick, daily practice that can quickly propel you into the upper echelons of natural game. It does require some daily field work, and it does require doing nightly “home work.” While it’s not a magic bullet, when practiced consistently it will significantly improve your social skills, going from wherever you are now, to miles […]
Magnetic Creation Exercise
This is a great exercise that can build up significant confidence as well as make approaching women a lot easier. It’s not easy, and it can be pretty hair raising, but once you go through it a couple of times, you’ll be addicted to the emotional pleasure it will deliver. It requires that you’re sitting […]
Become An Unstoppable Natural
When you get right down to it, us humans are motivated by two things, and two things only. Pleasure, and pain. Never is this more true when you’re trying to achieve one of the prime directives of human life, as it’s programmed deep into our DNA: Make More Humans! Naturally, the unconscious drive to make […]
The Invisible Boundary Of Doom
It’s easy to slip from alpha to beta. If you walk into a joint like you own the place, open up a few cuties to warm up, you feel pretty good. You move on through a few sets, maybe getting a couple numbers. These girls aren’t anything special, but you never know. Then you see […]