Switcharoo https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22Apr19_Post.mp3 Imagine you were hungry. And you’d been planning on a cheating day all week. You had your eating and TV watching (or whatever) all planned out. Maybe you were about to finish a big project at work. Maybe you just got a raise and wanted to celebrate. Not […]
Your Own Path
Help Me! https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22Apr17_Post.mp4 Most people are comfortable being told what to do. Studies show this. They put ten folks in a group, and give them a task. Nine out of ten will look around for somebody who knows what’s up. One of out ten will think about it and figure it […]
Shiny Objects
Small Points https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22Apr16_Post.mp4 Evolution is kind of like credit card debt. Or the flip side, slowly built wealth. Meaning only a small percent interest can make all the difference. Einstein allegedly said that compounded interest was the eighth wonder of the world. The second richest fictional person is the leader of […]
Better Than Now
Jumbled Salads https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22Apr15_Post.mp4 The words we use are very important. Very few realize this. The human experience is pretty basic. From an objective, engineering standpoint. We want things. We will always want things. And these things are only under a few categories. Love, money, sex, health, social validation. […]
Delicious Treasure
Dumpster Love https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22Apr14_Post.mp4 Once when I was a kid, I found treasure. I was reading the Sunday comics, and I came across a coupon. For a free candy bar. A mainstream, full sized candy bar. No strings. Since I was a kid, I had no idea why. Only that […]
The Master Strategy of Time
Nothing Makes Sense https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Aug10_Post.mp4 Some things seem to be paradoxes on the surface. But paradoxes are really not an outward sign that something is “wrong.” Any paradox is a sign that we don’t have the total picture of what’s going on inside. For example, there’s a common idea that all self help […]