Find The Best Plenty of schools and organizations have speech contests. This implies that there are “winners” and “losers.” This implies that there are ways to differentiate between a “good speech” and a “bad speech.” When directors want to find the right people to play the part in their movies, they […]
Your Programmable Memory
What’s Really In Your Brain? Back in the seventies, a troubling trend started to happen. Some psychologists got the big idea that dysfunctional adults had emotional issues because of repressed childhood memories. Which set up a very disturbing situation. Not unlike how people can easily be coerced into giving false confessions […]
Collapsing Equilibriums
Therapy Origins Once there was a hypnotist. A very powerful hypnotist. Who started as a therapist. But went into sales. As sales as much, much more lucrative. First in conversational hypnosis. Then in copywriting hypnosis. But this became unexpectedly boring. Sales Page Mastery As once he’d […]
Hypnotic Mind Control
Use Or Teach? Once there was a therapist. Who started out. As a sex therapist. Who resolved issues. In men, women and couples. To remove obstacles. To completely sexual intimacy. She was a highly skilled hypnotist. Who used hypnosis. To resolve sex issues. Career Change […]
Undercover AI Love
Beyond Success Once there was a hypnotist. A very accomplished hypnotist. Lots of experience in sales. Lots of experience in seduction. Lots of experience in therapy. Since he’d already made his fortune. He decided to have some fun. By selling various things. They’ll Never Know Via […]
Yin Yang Breathing
Couples Counseling Once there was a therapist. Who was a very powerful hypnotist. Skilled in many esoteric arts. She was most famous. For her couples counseling. That enjoyed 100% success rate. Even the angriest couples. Filled with the most mutual hatred. Would rediscover their love. For […]
Ice Cream Party
Once Is All You Need Once there was a therapist. Who charged $1000 per hour. But she didn’t do therapy. She programmed your mind. To access dream archetypes. And to have lucid dreams. Every night. Mental Training So that within your lucid dream. You could have […]
Sun Tzu Kangaroo
A Boy And His Pet Once there was a man. Who had a pet kangaroo. He loved his kangaroo. So he taught him many things. How to speak English. How to make sandwiches. How to play the piano. How to play hopscotch. He even toilet trained him. […]
The Paradox Of Societal Collapse
Marketing Genius There is a cereal company that has come up with an ingenious marketing strategy. It is a cereal targeted at kids, so they need to have some kind of gimmick. A prize in the box, some kind of game or comic strip on the back. They were slowly losing market […]
Center Of The Universe
Big Bang One cool thing about the Universe is why every person on every planet on the Universe can legitimately claim they are the center of the Universe. Since from every point space, you would measure all other points in the universe expanding equally in all directions. A cool metaphor to describe this […]