Viking Invasions
During the early middle ages in Europe, life was very chaotic.
One reason was that for about 300 years, the Vikings had a short term, lighting attack based, military superiority.
They had these thin boats that didn’t need a lot of depth.
They could sail up rivers, deep into Europe.
They could even carry their boats between rivers.
Hit And Run Nightmare
So long as they weren’t very close to the city centers, where the kings and rulers kept their armies, they had a couple of days.
Even if their were old Roman roads, and the place had a cavalry, it would take at least a day for the soldiers to show up and defend against the Vikings.
The Vikings would come in unexpected, kidnap a bunch of people and hold them for ransom.
If their relatives didn’t have enough silver or gold to pay the ransom the Vikings would sell the kidnapped villagers into slavery.
Kidnappers and Slavers
This went on for about three hundred years.
Looking back through history, you’ll find a very common them.
Countries trade with each other.
Countries fight with each other.
They almost always do one or the other.
But many times, violence comes first, and trading comes second.
Two Built In Strategies
The two strategies of trade vs. might makes right can be found everywhere.
In ancient hunter gathers.
In arguments.
And even in sales and persuasion conversations.
One of the biggest problems in modern society is due to instinct mismatch theory.
Instinct Mismatch
That our instincts were calibrated for a much different time.
Our hunger instinct was always on, and always looking.
Whenever we had food, it was a benefit to enjoy eating as much as you could.
To eat as much as you could.
To enjoy this process as much as you could.
The same goes for sex and social status.
Always Wanting
Ancient human would crave more sex than they could ever get.
Ancient humans would crave more social status than they could ever get.
Ancient humans would crave more food than they could ever get.
But all that was highly calibrated to the survival of the tribe.
Based On Productivity
The better of a hunter you were, the more you could get food.
The better of a hunter you were, the more you could get sex.
The better of a hunter you were, the more you could get social status.
Today, there is zero correlation between anything.
You can get food easily.
You can get sex easily.
You can fake social status easily.
Best Instinct To Cultivate
One instinct, however, that worked fantastically back then that also can work fantastically today is our hallucination instinct.
Ancient humans would sit around the fire telling stories.
Hero’s journey stories.
Stories where a hero goes out and kills a monster.
So when the young hunters would go hunting, you could imagine that you are the hero.
If you imagine that you are the hero, you will be more successful.
Imaginary Role Models
This is helped by our ability to hallucinate things that aren’t real.
The more we can make these hallucinations seem real, the more these hallucinations can help us.
They can help us to imagine role models.
They can help us to imagine what we might be capable of someday.
They can help us to imagine a place beyond this life where all your ancient ancestors are happily living together and secretly rooting for you to succeed.
Sex Money Food Nightmare
All our other instincts are messed up today.
Except for the hallucination instinct.
Our hallucination instinct is just as powerful as it ever was.
Just as useful as it ever was.
Gym Rat Strategy
For example, if you go to the gym, you’ll see a bunch of gym rats.
People that forego short term pleasure for more longer term, more deeper pleasure.
They are hallucination a potential better future.
This hallucinated future, which generally includes a lot of sex and social status, is a tool to help them overcome the need for short term desire.
Delayed Gratification
You might say that this hallucination instinct is a very useful tool to help us to delay gratification.
That the more you use this to delay gratification, the more sex you’ll get.
The more you use this to delay gratification, the more income you’ll get.
The more you use this to delay gratification, the more genuine social status you’ll get.
For people that learn how to leverage the hallucination instinct, it’s not what you see right in front of you that is important.
Imagine Your Future
It’s what you can imagine, off into the future.
It’s what you don’t see that drives success.
One modern example of trading following fighting is world war II.
Both Japan and the U.S. were trying to kill the crap out of each other.
Then the U.S. won, Japan lost.
U.S. Japanese Relations
Now the U.S. and Japan are fantastic trading partners.
The high middle ages came when the Vikings stopped attacking.
Because the Viking stopped attacking, and the mayhem ended, Europe could slowly build up it’s culture and society.
The population tripled, and Europe slowly built up, eventually leading to the renaissance and the enlightenment.
The main reason the Vikings stopped attacking was it stopped being profitable.
All The Money Was Stolen
They had essentially, over the previous 300 years, stolen pretty much everything that was worth stealing.
During the cold war, Reagan once said that if the Earth was invaded by aliens, we could put aside our differences and unite against these invading aliens.
This is essentially what happened to England.
They were fractionated into a bunch of smaller kingdoms.
Then the Vikings started to invade.
We Should Unite Against These Guys
As a result, they united into one Kingdom, calling themselves the United Kingdom.
Which of course later created the Industrial Revolution.
Once there was an economist named Frederic Bastiat.
He said it’s not what you see that’s important.
It’s what you don’t see.
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