How To Trance Their Minds
In this post we’ll discuss some of the most powerful hypnotic language patterns you can use for fun, for direct hypnosis, for sales, and for seduction. Once you understand the structure, you can build your own. Since many of these are built from individual components, and their are about 70 or so individual components, there are virtually unlimited numbers and types of hypnotic language patterns you can create for your own purposes.
English is a pretty unique language. It’s gone through plenty of revisions, has sucked up plenty of grammar and vocabulary from many other languages, and is more or less a Frankensteinian creation. For learners of English as a second language this means trouble.
For for native or near-native speakers, this opens up a whole world of possibility. Namely, we can use the structure of language, the structure of thought, and put together some very powerful hypnotic language patterns.
Hypnotic Language For Fun
One way to use hypnotic language patterns is to just have fun. In fact, the same grammatical structure that makes jokes funny can help us create ideas the serve as brain bombs of confusion. Most jokes are based on some kind of ambiguity, for example. To wit:
Q: Which building in your town has the most stories?
A: The library!
Ahhhh ha ha ha! Get it? Story in the first context is meant to mean floors of a building. But it’s also the type of story that starts off with, Once upon a time…
But there are also some ambiguities that can be used for spinning their brains in circles. One such ambiguity is the punctuation ambiguity. This is when you have two sentences that don’t have anything to do with each other, but the last word of one sentence is the first word of the next sentence. For example:
The other day I saw this ice cream truck stops always have the skankiest women, but they’re affordable.
Another ambiguity is something called a scope ambiguity. Where you have a sentence like, Green flowers and trees. It’s not quite clear whether the green goes with both flowers and trees, or just the flowers. The way to use this is come up with a scope ambiguity that will be interpreted one way, and then drop in some information that will make it seem like it’s the other way. This is the strategy behind the famous Groucho Marx joke:
Last night I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I’ll never know…
Read More About Ambiguities Here
Hypnotic Language For Direct Hypnosis
If you want to have fun at parties, hypnotize your friends and get them speaking gibberish, clucking like chickens or forgetting their names, there are plenty of ways to do that. In the movies, the hypnotist just walks up and says, “Sleep!” and it works. But that’s the movies. In real life, it’s a bit trickier. But it’s still pretty easy. The first is an understanding of pacing.
Hypnotic Pacing Statements
If you want to get people’s brains feeling slippery, use a bunch of pacing statements. These are statements that must be true. You are reading this sentence. You are reading this sentence also. At some point in time before you read that last sentence, you ate something. Now you can remember the taste of that food. As you remember that, and how it tasted, you might wonder when the f we are going to talk about some hypnosis.
Pace What They Are Doing
Writing this is difficult, since I can’t see you (that you know of…) and therefore can’t really say much about what you are doing. But if you are watching somebody, there are tons of things you can say about what they are actually doing. When you say pacing statements, make sure they match the pace of their breathing. And use lots of pacing connection words. Here are some examples that you might use if you were doing this for real at a party.
As you listen to my voice…
And breathe in…
And out…
You can feel the air in the room…
As it feels on your skin…
And as you relax back…
In that chair…
You can become even more comfortable…
And think about how relaxing it is…
To just listen to my voice…
And become even more relaxed….
Slippery Slope Hypnotic Language
This is when you start to blur the line between what they are really doing, and what you want them to do. Eventually you want them to relax completely, close their eyes and obey your voice completely. The more you stretch out the collection of pacing statements, and slowly merge them into leading statements, the more obedient they will be.
Connecting Words
There are plenty of slippery words to connect what they are doing and what you want them to do. We’ll call what they are doing X, and what you want them to do Y.
As you X, you can see how easy it is to Y…
The more you X, the easier it is to Y…
Every time you X, you imagine how good it feels go do Y…
Listening to my voice and X makes it so natural to Y…
When They Are Deep In Trance
This is essentially the structure of direct hypnosis. Watch them carefully, use a couple of pacing statements for each leading statement. Then the leading statement becomes true, and can be used for the next pacing statement. Use that pacing statement (which used to be a leading statement) along with another pure pacing statement (something they are doing on their own) and give them another leading statement.
The longer you keep this up, the easier it will be for them to continue obeying you. Keep going further and further until you have them flapping their arms like a chicken or something.
Covert Hypnotic Language Patterns
The best hypnotic language pattern is the embedded command. A command is simply an imperative form, a short statement like “turn left,” or, “add water.” When used as an embedded command, you simply put it in the middle of a sentence. For example, consider the following sentence:
The other day I was listening to the radio and the guy said if you do situps every day, you’ll start to feel better, and that will help you have a better outlook on life.
The way it’s written it looks like a normal statement you’d hear from a normal person. But consider the following modifications:
The other day I was listening to the radio and the guy said if you do situps every day, you’ll start to feel better, and that will help you have a better outlook on life.
If you say the parts that are underlined slightly differently, the listener will perceive them as being commands, but on a subconscious level. You say them like a command, where the last word is said with a slightly lower tone than the rest. And when you say the last word, you pause just a little bit before continuing.
Tip Of The Iceberg
If you only use or two commands, you probably won’t have much of an effect. But if you use a lot of them, they will. The trick is to use plenty of commands that mean more or less the same thing, but are all worded slightly differently.
Add In Gestures
A good technique to combine with commands is gestures. You can choose two gestures, one on your left side (L) that you use when saying something that will cause negative feelings in people. For example:
The other day I fell asleep at my desk (L) and my boss walked by and started yelling at me (L)! It was horrible (L)!
And you can use gestures on the other side, your good side, whenever you say things that will create a good feeling in people. For example:
Last Friday, all day I thought I had to work Saturday (L) so I was not really looking forward to the weekend. Then my boss stuck his head in my office and told me not only did I have Saturday off (R) but I could take Monday off as well (R) since we’d all hit our sales targets (R)! Boom! Unexpected three day weekend (R)!
Train People With Hypnotic Gestures
If you start to use these gestures normally, this will have the effect of training people to feel good whenever you use a good gesture (R) and feel not good whenever you use a bad gesture (L). Then once you’ve got people trained, you can connect your good gestures (R) to any embedded commands you are using.
Hypnotic Language In Sales
Suppose you are selling something big, where you’ll earn a few hundred dollars commission. You’ve got the client trained with both of your good (R) and bad (L) gestures, now it’s time to close them like a boss:
Well Mr. Customer, I think we’ve kind of figured out what you want (R) and now it’s time to make a decision (R) on whether or not you want to buy this today (R) and take it home (R) with you. Of course, I understand if you maybe want to look around some more (L), but buy now (R) I think you realize that this product does meet all your demands, and it’s really just a matter of whether or not you think this is a fair price (R). Do you need some time to think about it (L) or are you ready to decide now (R) that this (R) is the product that you want to take it home (R) with you today?
Quotes Pattern
Of course, not everybody is in sales, but you can still use embedded commands and gestures to maximize your hypnotic powers over everybody you know. A great way to do this is through the quotes pattern. This is when you quote somebody else saying something. Only when you are quoting them, you are also saying the commands that you want to say.
Hypnotic Party Example
For example, let’s say your at a party or a club, and you’re talking to a pretty lady. You’d love to just look right at her, tell her she’s gorgeous, and suggest the two of you get busy, but you don’t want to ruin a good conversation. So you say this instead:
Hey, check out that guy in the yellow shirt over there, he reminds me of my old roommate from college. This guy was absolutely fearless. He would just walk up to gorgeous ladies like yourself (R) look at them and say, ‘I think you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. I would like nothing more than to convince you to come home with me (R) so that I could spend the entire evening giving you the most powerful orgasms (R) you have ever imagined. You do like to imagine powerful orgasms (R) don’t you?’ Do you believe that? I even saw this guy (SP) do this and never once did the guy get slapped. I supposed it’s because this guy (SP) had such powerful energy. Anyway, ready for another drink?
Of course, when you say the part about extended orgasms, look directly at the woman. If she wonders if you’re doing anything silly, just remind her you are quoting your friend.
Extended Quotes
To make this even blurrier in your target’s mind, have the person you are quoting not be somebody you knew, but a friend of a friend.
I know this guy who used to go clubbing all the time. I mean, this guy was crazy, and he was always taking home a different girl, but he told me about this other guy, and this guy (SP) would….
And then launch into the story about the guy who told girls he was going to give them amazing orgasms.
What Does SP Mean?
This is the famous self point. When you briefly bring your hand up to your chest area. Whenever you say something like “this guy” use the self point. So even if “this guy” refers to some guy three levels deep in your story, by using the self point (SP) whoever you are talking to will also associate that person with you.
Plenty Of Hypnotic Patterns To Try Out
There are literally hundreds of thousands of hypnotic patterns and stories you can build for tons of uses. Sales, seduction, fun, party tricks, or just spinning your friends’ minds around in circles just for the fun of it. You can use what we’ve gone over to get started, and whenever you’re ready for more, we’ve got tons of techniques up our sleeves.
Party Hypnosis
Hypnotic Seduction
Covert Hypnosis
Hypnotic Storytelling
Hypnotic Sales
Love Hypnosis
Sugar Baby Hypnosis
Learn More
Mind Persuasion has tons of books and courses all designed to teach you how to use your language better to make more money and have more fun in life.
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