Funeral For A Friend
I saw friend a couple of days ago and he was just coming back from a funeral. I asked him who died. He told me, and it happened in an accident that was in the news a few weeks ago about a building that had collapsed.
When I first saw it I thought that maybe it was a terrorist attack and so did the authorities, but it turned out that it wasn’t a terrorist attack. When my friend explained what happened it seemed very, very terrible and very, very sad.
There was this small town in the Midwest a few months ago that made its way into the news because of the super genius decision by the local government. What had happened was there was a sudden influx in these poisonous snakes.
Super Genius City Council
I guess the city Council had looked at several options on how to get rid of these poisonous snakes. They found a couple of professionals that would come in and clean it up for them but these professionals were too expensive. So in their super genius wisdom this Council decided to put a bounty on dead poisonous snakes.
They thought that if they told the citizens that they would pay $20 for a dead poisonous snake then the citizens would take all of the risk and they would save a lot of money. They congratulated themselves for how cleverly they thought they were going to end this snake problem without having to spend too much money and without having to take too much risk.
There was this guy in a company and he ruined the company. He ruined it in a very un-fortunate way. The company was started by four men when they were in college. Three of the men were very extroverted marketing outgoing types.
Introverted Genius
The fourth guy was kind of an introverted mathematical type. These three guys had always had these fantastic ideas but they also intuitively knew that the fourth man, the guy that was a super genius in mathematics and accounting, he would be absolutely vital to making sure that any business plan would succeed and wouldn’t go horribly bankrupt.
They made sure he was included in all their plans and he helped the company get very large very quickly and within a few years of graduating these four friends were worth several million dollars. Their company became huge, a global internationally known company.
There was an ancient king in charge of an ancient civilization. He had a wizard that worked for him. The king in the wizard were bound together and they were bound together in such a way that the wizard was obligated to follow the commands of the king.
The Once Powerful King
The king was in charge of the society and the wizard worked for the King. The wizard had to follow the orders of the king no matter what the orders were. This was how they created their balance of power. As the society became wealthier and wealthier the king became more and more introverted.
The king became more of a very solitary person. He started to see how big and how powerful the kingdom was getting. He was very careful to make sure he didn’t make any wrong decisions so he spent a lot of time in his study reading all of the ancient texts. Studying all of the kingdoms that had succeeded. Studying all the kingdoms that had failed.
He was very careful, he was very worried not to make any foolish mistakes. Because the wizard was magic and the wizard was bound to the King and all the wizard had to do was wait for the king to give him an order and then make that order happen by magic, the wizard was very popular. He was very outgoing.
Playboy Wizard
He spent most of his time in the pubs and he spent most of this time in the pubs getting to know the local people. He was very much a down to earth people person. Soon the king started to wonder if the wizard wasn’t may be plotting some kind of revenge against him. Maybe some kind of revolt may be some kind of takeover.
The king was always alone with his thoughts. The problem with being alone with your thoughts is your thoughts can kind of take on a life of their own. When your thoughts take on a life of their own they grow in all kinds of different directions. But since you’re always alone with your thoughts each day these different directions will seem very familiar to the previous day.
Over time, over a few years, you’ll have a completely different set of thoughts but you won’t really have noticed how different they have become because of all you see is your own thoughts every single day. They can become extremely chaotic and unsettled and unbalanced without you really being able to notice it because it happens so slowly.
Suspicious King
The king started to really fear for his safety but he wasn’t completely conscious of these fears. These subconsciously held fears of what would happen came out in the form of self sabotage. This king started to give this wizard commands that were not really based on the best outcome for the society but what he thought was the best outcome for him.
These commands he gave to the wizard were ones of the wizard had to follow because of their relationship. The wizard made these commands come true and it wasn’t long before the entire kingdom collapsed.
As the company became more and more wealthy, more popular, more and more well-known, these three extroverted businessmen would go on TV. They would talk about the products. They would talk about their future. From their perspective they were very careful to protect the fourth man.
Wanted To Protect Their Friend
They knew he was an introvert. They knew he liked to keep to himself and so they were very careful not to mention his name on TV. They didn’t want a swarm of reporters coming to talk to this guy. They were afraid it would cause him a lot of emotional unhappiness. They were trying to protect him.
What this mathematician saw was something completely different. He saw his three friends on TV not mentioning his name. He started to wonder if they were maybe trying to push him out. He started to secretly embezzle from the company. The more he embezzled the more he started to wonder if they were trying to push him out. The more he started to wonder if they were trying to push him out the more evidence of that he found because of his confirmation bias.
He kept embezzling until the company went bankrupt and everybody lost their job and everything was ruined.
Make More Snakes
What the super genius city council members didn’t count on was the actual intelligence of the average people. When the average people of the small town heard there was a bounty on dead poisonous snakes they did the natural thing. They started to raise these dead snakes.
Instead of going out and catching them and killing them and dutifully turning them in like the city Council thought they would do, like good obedient citizens, they saw this is a fantastic way to make lots of money. They saw an opportunity to make lots of money.
They started to raise the snakes. They would raise them and they would just kill them and bring them in to get paid. They would keep raising them. Unfortunately, not a lot of people are naturally skilled in raising snakes. So the inadvertent outcome that the city Council had created was a huge population in poisonous snakes.
Too Many Snakes, Bro
Eventually they had to bring in professionals. Unfortunately, by then, the size was so big the professionals wanted so much money to kill all the snakes that it would bankrupt the city. So the city had to be deserted. The super genius plans of this city Council to save money ended up destroying the city.
The reason the building collapsed was because it was built by very corrupt construction company. The reason the construction company was so corrupt was because it had a man on the inside. Every time it would build a building it would cut a lot of corners.
It would bribe the safety inspection official from the government. So they would build a building that would normally cost two or $3 million, they would only spend $1 million. Because of so many corners they would cut they would bribe the city official and pay him $250,000.
Safe Not Safe
The building would be a lot less safe than the government said that it was and this just happened to be one of the buildings my friend’s friend was in when it collapsed.
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