Never Assume If you study game theory, one of the prime directives is to never assume what the other person’s intentions are. In sports, teams and players do everything they can to fake out their opponents. Even in chess, there are plenty of strategies based on trickery. Why do we humans […]
Frozen Slices Of Eternity
Art Expo I was out walking around the other day and I passed by a local museum. I’ve seen the local museum quite a bit but they had a sign saying free Expo free admission. I went inside and they were showing a lot of local photographers a lot of local work done by a […]
Truth Beyond The Veil
Landscaping Neighbor I have this neighbor that has been, for the past six months, working tirelessly on his front yard in his backyard. He’s got himself involved in a kind of do-it-yourself landscaping project. He’s a very, a guy you wouldn’t quite expect to be doing that. He’s a very blue-collar guy. He works […]