Self Help Loops Any kind of self development absolutely requires an honest feedback loop. You need both success data and failure data in order to better calibrate the targeted behavior. This is true in sports, music, investing and even business, in the case of profits and losses. No Aliens The Fermi […]
Dirt Is Important
Two Types of Civilizations If you look back over the long history of human civilizations you’ll find two basic types of civilizations that have popped up over time. The first and most common type the most people think about is the agriculturally based civilizations. These had these cities and these empires that were built […]
Divide And Conquer
Next Door Neighbor I have a very interesting neighbor. He is a retired Army Col. He is very intelligent, he’s very kind and he’s very very good at talking to people at their level. If there is ever any kind of economic collapse or zombie apocalypse or alien invasion I definitely want to be […]