Small Points Evolution is kind of like credit card debt. Or the flip side, slowly built wealth. Meaning only a small percent interest can make all the difference. Einstein allegedly said that compounded interest was the eighth wonder of the world. The second richest fictional person is the leader of […]
Bees Flowers Friends Lovers
Little Thinking Required Mother Nature is a genius. Many people love the idea of “auto pilot.” Spend any time online, looking for ways to make money, and you’ll find the phrase “auto pilot” all over the place. Nobody likes the idea of going door to door and selling a variety of […]
Jungle Rats
Cherry Blossom Season In Japan every spring they have a cherry blossom viewing event. They can’t usually predict when it’s going to happen. The feeling in Japan is very comparable to what it’s like on July 4 in the states. People go to the park to have a barbecue, they watch the cherry blossoms […]
Tap Your Inner Wealth Generator For Seduction
Is getting girls really so hard? Whatever “getting girls” means to you, picking up random strangers for quick hook ups or finding that special someone for a life long, mutually supportive relationship. I mean, after all, we’re not trying to invent a new form of physics or anything. We’re just doing what man has done […]
The Secret To Unlimited Success With Women
Most people have no clue what they want, girls included. It’s not that girls don’t know what they want, it’s that people don’t know what they want. The good news is that what girls want isn’t all that important. It’s what they respond do. When you target their automatic and unconscious responses, instead of asking […]
Exercises To Destroy Approach Anxiety
Walking up and talking to girls is scary. No two ways about it. The hotter she is, the harder it is. (No, that’s not what I mean, lol). But with practice, you can significantly decrease your approach anxiety How? Think of it this way. Our brains come preprogrammed with tons of pre loaded instincts and […]