Out The Window Once there was a social researcher. He’d always been interested in human behavior. One day, while staring out of his office window he had an idea. About why people never crash into each other while walking on the street. So he wrote a proposal for a study and […]
Head or Tails Universe
DNA Workout I have this friend that went to an exercise seminar. They match your body type, your DNA and your emotional make up to the ideal exercise. For him, it was swimming. But he hated swimming pools because the nastiness. So he started doing laps in his bathtub. Didn’t […]
Hidden Disruptive Technologies
Excess Brain Power All modern problems can be resolved to what evolutionary psychologists call an instinct mismatch. That our mind body system was calibrated for a world much different than the one in which we live. A corollary to this idea is that we have a significant amount of excess brain capacity. […]
Ideal Kindergarten Law
Old Weird Friend I had a friend way back in college who worked at 7-11. This guy was a real weirdo. This guys said his favorite part was stocking the fridge. Secret Break Time https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Sept29Loop.mp4 That this was a place he could escape from the customers and relax. But then later, […]
Mental Portal Implantation
At The Bus Stop The other day I was waiting for the bus and just as the bus started coming up this guy started talking to me. The first thing he said was he let his license expire because he’s been busy. He kind of seemed to want me to ask him why and […]