Enemy #1 https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22July_03.mp3 Social Anxiety is incredibly crippling. And very common. But it’s also something few people talk about. And as humans tend to do, we reframe weaknesses into strengths. So what ends up happening is you have a whole bunch of people that suffer from social anxiety. But nobody […]
Pre-Qualified Social Love
Dismal Science https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22Jan14_Post.mp4 Everything has costs. Most things have benefits. Whenever we do anything, we do a cost benefit analysis. Most of this is subconscious, most of the time. You can imagine a group of monkeys a long time ago. Living in banana jungle. Maybe there might have been […]
Escape Your False Cage
All Up To You https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/July24_Post.mp4 The world is a fantastic place. No matter what time you live in, there is opportunities for massive wealth. Or massive poverty. This metaphor has been expressed in plenty of different ways. The famous poem about two guys in prison, looking out of the window. […]