Easy Money There are plenty of ways to make a ton of money, but you won’t find any of them if you expect somebody to tell you. If you are willing to do your own research and think outside the box, and keep your results to yourself, you can find tons of easy ways […]
Evil Cat Lady
Japanese Genius I have this friend in Japan who, after a long and circuitous route, has finally managed to open his own shop. He did so after getting a PhD in electrical engineering, and then realizing what a huge mistake that might have been. But then he found a way out and now […]
Game Room Of Horror
Winchester Mystery House One of the weirdest ghost stories that is sort of true is the Winchester House. The lady who married the guy who got rich by inventing the Winchester gun got worried that all the ghosts from people killed by that gun were going to come after her. She she figured […]
Scientific Death Sellers
Addictive Foods The biggest advances in brain chemistry, particularly when it comes to addictions and deep mind control, are not being done by the medical community. They are being done by the processed food industry. When they are trying out different additives to food, they feed them to people while they are inside […]
Imaginary Laundry Witch
Not Finished Apartment Recently I moved into a new apartment complex. Unfortunately this new apartment complex doesn’t yet have an operational laundry facility is something that you want to search for when you’re searching for apartments there’s a lot of criteria to look for. When I was doing laundry I had to find another […]