Moving Averages Stock charts are a fascinating combination of technical and mathematical specificity and human psychology. One one hand they can be a very accurate representation of a company’s health. On the other hand, they are a pure expression of human psychology. One way to look at a chart is to compare the day […]
Two Types Of Money Cycles
Plasma Sales I used to have this friend in college that was very creative with how he found ways to make money. One of the ways he found was to sell his plasma. The thing about selling plasma is you can sell it every couple of weeks. It’s not like blood where you can […]
Reversions To The Mean
Camping Is Fun I’ve always liked camping. I’ve always liked different kinds of camping. When I was very young I joined Boy Scouts and that’s where I first learned all about camping and how you can do it in its various forms. When I was in college me and my friends used to go […]