Who Are You? https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22Aug16_Post.mp3 There have been a few social experiments regarding perception. Like the famous one where a world class violinist played in the subway all day. Nobody recognized him. He only got a few dollars in his tip hat. On the other hand, a college student and his buddies […]
Leverage Your Poor Memory
Um… What? https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22Mar11_Post.mp4 Human memory is very faulty. If a crime allegedly happens, and all they have are eyewitnesses, they won’t prosecute. It’s very difficult to prosecute something ONLY because somebody said they saw him do this. Sure, there are exceptions, but these are the exceptions that prove the rule. Imagine […]
Deep Thought Disruption Device
Close But Out Of Reach I have an absolutely gorgeous neighbor. She broke up with her boyfriend about a month ago. She thought they might go all way. So she was particularly devastated when he broke it off. She wanted to give herself time to heal, so she decided to specifically […]
Remembering Lost Memories
Sudden Illness Once upon a time I had a family member that had an unexpected medical situation. This unexpected medical situation required an unexpected medical procedure that would have this person in ICU for a couple days in the hospital for another week after that. Myself and a few other family members want to […]