Invisible Spies The NSA has developed a phone app that is mechanical. This is because many people are leaving their cell phones at home, so they can’t be tracked. But the new phones have microscopic drones that follow you everywhere. So even if you leave your phone at home, the NSA can […]
Vampire Parasite Nation
Vampire Bats Vampire bats have a highly regulated collection of social instincts. One of them is the capability of doing each other favors, and remembering who has done favors for whom. They’ll go hunting, some will come back with blood, some won’t. The ones that don’t get any blood will borrow from […]
Free Energy Vampires
Easy Jobs Are Everywhere When I was in college I had a lot of interesting jobs. My college was on the semester system and in between the wintertime we had six weeks vacation during summertime we had twelve weeks weeks vacation. At the end of the semester I would quit my job. One […]