When you approach a girl, chances are your brain is oscillating between two states. One hoping for success, and all the it entails, and the dreading failure, and all that IT entails. This kind of gets you out of the real world, and into your head. Try this mental trick out, and see if it […]
The Five Minute Phobia Cure
Got a fear you’d like to get rid of? Here’s how. You’ll need to dig into your memory and find the first time it happened. Or close to the first time it happened. You’ll be destroying the fear associated with that memory, so go back as far as you can. If you find that you […]
Increase Confidence With Neutral Compliments
Sometimes breaking the ice with a girl is the toughest part. Largely, because your brain is swirling with all kinds of conflicting messages, maybe she’ll be awesome in bed, or maybe she’ll throw a drink in your face. Naturally, the more experience you have with something, the easier it gets. To be sure, if you […]
Girls LOVE Being Approached
Most of your fears, in fact all of them, with regards to approaching and seducing women don’t come from women. They come from what happened to you a long, long time ago. See, most girls LOVE being approached by guys, even if they aren’t particularly attracted to the guy in question. Why? Girls are extremely […]
The Danger Of Misplaced Meaning
Your brain is incredibly fast, but not very accurate. This was a crucial distinction made long ago. Instead of sitting there determining the precise probability you’d be eaten by a tiger, early humans developed a fast thinking brain instead of an accurate one. This kept us alive. Of course, sometimes we made mistakes. But better […]
Do Girls Dislike Sex?
When you approach a girl, do you feel as if you’re trying to “trick her?” If you’re using any kind of patterns, are you afraid of getting caught? This is a common fear, even though it’s a misconception. Why is it a misconception? Because girls love sex. Granted, they’re not like guys, who can pretty […]
Improve Your Game With Consistent Practice
I was watching the movie, “Man on Fire,” the other night with Denzel Washington. There was a scene where he was coaching the little girl for her upcoming swimming competition. He said training is important, because people don’t rise to their highest level of performance, they rise to their highest level of training. Especially in […]
Burn Your Ships
You have a lot more ability to “step up to the plate” than you realize. Humans are incredibly resilient, and are capable of achieving amazing things when properly motivated. On the flip side of that, we humans are incredibly lazy. We always look for shortcuts, and whenever we run into trouble, one of our first […]
Pain or Pleasure?
One thing that’s essential when selling anything to anybody, or persuading anybody to do anything, is understanding what’s important to them. Sure, if you walk up to every single person on the street and try to sell them a slicer dicer, you might get one or two sales out of a hundred. But you’ll also […]
Be Careful What You Pick Up
Once there was this hiker, out for an afternoon stroll. He was up hiking in the mountains, and was moving along a pretty good clip. He got up over the tree line, and noticed that the temperature had dropped considerably. He zipped up his jacket, went for a while longer, and then decided to head […]