Backwards Strategy The impending financial disaster and potential societal collapse is based on a very simple idea. If the economy, or even if your individual income is growing, it is a potentially legitimate idea to borrow money. As you or the economy continues to grow, your earning or earning potential will be greater […]
Controlling Frequencies
Doppler Effect The Doppler effect is pretty cool and pretty easy to understand. When something is making a sound, getting closer, and then passes you, the sound will change in pitch. As it’s just about to pass you, the apparent frequency will change, as the relative velocity will change. Green Light Creation […]
Death and Taxes
Emotional Logic According to psychologists, the human brain is wired for subconscious logic with emotional inputs. This means that we think we think logically, but in reality this is a hallucination. Even more interesting is we all think we are the logical ones, but everybody is driven by irrational emotions. Kite Flyer […]
Emergent Chaos
Ice Volcano There are these cool structures called ice volcanoes. They form where it’s cold enough for the ice to from on beaches. Eventually the waves will come into the beach under the large sheet of ice. If the ice sheet is big enough, it will create enough pressure for the water […]
Doppelganger Apocalypse
Artificial Scarcity A very common and old marketing strategy is to create and manage a level of artificial scarcity just enough to calibrate and maintain the desired purchasing level. For example, a company will be getting ready to release a new product, and advertise like crazy, building up massive demand. Then they purposely […]
Parasitic Brainwashing
Mud Bowl I had a friend once, in junior high school, liked to play football, and was playing a game with some friends during the rain. He accidentally swallowed some mud, maybe thought he’d eaten some bugs or something, everybody, including him, thought it was pretty funny. Then a few weeks later he […]
Trigger Happy Alien Spirits
Secret Assassin There’s a pretty common idea that is in a lot of movies about government trained assassins. That you are a trained assassin, but you don’t remember this. That if somebody called you and said your trigger word, you would suddenly remember all your assassin training and go kill the targets. […]
Vampire Parasite Nation
Vampire Bats Vampire bats have a highly regulated collection of social instincts. One of them is the capability of doing each other favors, and remembering who has done favors for whom. They’ll go hunting, some will come back with blood, some won’t. The ones that don’t get any blood will borrow from […]
Fractionated DNA Re-Activation
Tech Expo I went to a pretty cool expo recently. It was for people who use Adobe products. I use Photoshop, Audition and Premiere. But only fro the most basic things. They had a lot of very advanced demos. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner They also had a raffle. […]
The Spirit In The Basement
Party People I went to a networking event recently. It was at this bar restaurant type place and there were a surprising number of people there. I was walking through the park and I saw this guy fishing. Right when I walked up he turned and started to talk to me. […]