Red Pill Beliefs There are a lot of ideas recently associated with Red Pill. When it comes to male-female relations, a very common idea is that women are very similar. That women are hypergamous and women will always be looking to move up a level, so to speak. The opposite of this […]
Super Brain Theory
Kick The Can When I was a kid me and a bunch of other kids on my block would play a lot of kid games. We played scavenger hunt a couple of times. Somebody would come up with a list of regular household items and then we would break into teams and see who could […]
Poison Snakes And Unintended Outcomes
Funeral For A Friend I saw friend a couple of days ago and he was just coming back from a funeral. I asked him who died. He told me, and it happened in an accident that was in the news a few weeks ago about a building that had collapsed. When I first saw […]