Small Points Evolution is kind of like credit card debt. Or the flip side, slowly built wealth. Meaning only a small percent interest can make all the difference. Einstein allegedly said that compounded interest was the eighth wonder of the world. The second richest fictional person is the leader of […]
Sex Cookbook
Recipe Collection I bought a cookbook several years ago for the specific purpose of getting laid. It was written specifically for that purpose. To learn the most basic cooking skills, and a few different dishes to create a reason for lady to come over to your house, if only to see if you […]
Death and Taxes
Emotional Logic According to psychologists, the human brain is wired for subconscious logic with emotional inputs. This means that we think we think logically, but in reality this is a hallucination. Even more interesting is we all think we are the logical ones, but everybody is driven by irrational emotions. Kite Flyer […]
Death Cycles
Dog Machine A friend of mine has this automatic dog machine. The dog drops the ball in the machine, the machine waits a random amount of time, and then spits the ball out with a random amount of force. The dog, after dropping the ball in, backs up, gets ready, and catches the […]
Energy Harvesting Strategies
Origins Of Imperialism Human imperialism has been around for a long time, in a lot of different forms, and under a lot of names. Imperialism, of course, is when large societies have become empires are specifically and strategically attempting conquest. But even smaller bands of raiders like the Vikings of the middle ages […]
Recover Ancient Spiritual Power
Beginnings of an Adventure A couple of weeks ago I was reading some local online forum and they were talking about this place downtown. A couple of days later I decided to go check it out. I didn’t remember exactly where it was, but I was in an adventurous mood. I took […]
Super Brain Theory
Kick The Can When I was a kid me and a bunch of other kids on my block would play a lot of kid games. We played scavenger hunt a couple of times. Somebody would come up with a list of regular household items and then we would break into teams and see who could […]
Ancient Human Superpowers
Weird Friend I have this really weird friend who’s always been practicing some esoteric form of metaphysics. His latest one is the strangest yet. He said he’s been practicing a form of sun gazing where you stand there in a field and stare directly at the sun. You’re supposed to get a lot of […]
Necessity Of Competition
High School Blunder When I was in high school, about 100 years ago, I ran track and I ran cross-country. I got into the habit of jogging after school a couple days a week and one day I was out jogging and a friend of mine that I worked with saw me. He called […]
Malthus and Overpopulation
Nature Video I started watching this interesting set of science videos. It is a set of 24 videos, 30 minutes each, and they’re all about life sciences. The one I watched I can watch them out of order. The one I watched started off talking about populations and natural equilibrium. They were talking about […]