Fusion Breakthrough Once there was a reactor. A fusion reactor That allegedly solved the problem. Of fusion sustainability. Unfortunately. It also opened a paradox. More of a doorway. To a previously unknown dimension. Not The Same https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Dec08Loop.mp4 It turns out. That under such high pressure and […]
Two Ends To Every Story
Sociopath In Training Once there was a reckless student. He didn’t like taking responsibility. He didn’t think about other people’s feelings. After he finished high school. He wanted to study medicine. He wanted to become a surgeon. Not because he wanted to help people. But because he wanted […]
Anti Demon Pancakes
Haunted Lady There was this crazy woman that lived alone. Her husband died, and she was financially taken care of, but she imagined that ghosts were coming to terrorize her every night. Until one night, she hallucinated a guardian angel who came to her and told her what to do to keep herself […]
Demon Brain Killer
Break Down and Build Up Building muscle, from a biological perspective, is pretty simple. You stress the muscle. You break down the muscle. And when it rebuilds itself, it becomes stronger. Can’t Get Anything Wrong https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Aug16ALoop.mp4 Most people are utterly terrified of making mistakes. So terrified that they play it […]
Behind The Veil of Power
Cereal Misdirection I bought this box of cereal that said inside you a ring that let you talk to angels. The cereal flavor seemed enticing enough to take the risk on the angelic communication ring. My first surprise was how utterly delicious the cereal was. Every bite was like an explosion of […]
Covert Insanity Installation
Homeless Hypnotist I have this friend, who ended up locking himself in an insane asylum. He used to live in a fairly bad neighborhood. He meant to move, but he never really got around to it. One way, he was walking home, and this homeless guy started talking to him. Next […]
Demon Loops
Night Terrors I have a friend who has been having night terrors. They started pretty basic. He’d wake up, and he would imagine somebody was standing in his door. Somebody dark, covered in shadows, sometimes wearing a hat, sometimes wearing a large, black coat. Dreams Within Dreams https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/July12Loop.mp4 But then he’d […]
Waking Lucid Dreams
Meditation Masters There are a few people who have complete control over their body. For example, some can slow down their heartbeat and breathing to very low levels. This is possible for everybody, but it takes a lot patient practice. Reclusive Super Genius https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Apr29Loop.mp4 There is this scientist that the authorities have […]
Jesus Origin Story
Long Game Dating I knew this guy who was had been madly in love with this girl for a long, long time, and finally had convinced her to go on date with him. He got a reservation in the most expensive restaurant in town, certain that he would impress her enough for another date, […]
They’re In Your Brain
Angry Genius There was this really intelligent engineer that absolutely hated his job. He didn’t hate his job directly, he hated his job indirectly. He was and had been really good at his job for fifteen years. But during that time he neglected his wife and family, she had an affair, divorced and […]