It All Adds Up Your entire life is the sum total of what you do on a daily basis. This is very hard to really accept. Most everybody has a plan for their life. But this “plan” is more of a wish. And this wish either involves somebody else doing […]
Spontaneous Money Shots
Angry Genius I used to know this guy that was super, super brilliant. But he had absolutely horrible people skills. If anybody dared ask him a question about any of his genius ideas, he would take it the wrong way, get angry, and start screaming at people. So the best job he’s […]
Social Status Death Trends
Health Boom I read an interesting study the other day that wanted to find any correlation between recent health food trends and the actual health benefits of the food trends. The assumption was that there would be at least some correlation between how popular any particular diet was, and how beneficial it was from […]
Social Status and Wealth
Ancient Vikings There’s not a lot known about bronze era Scandinavians because way back in the bronze era which, was before about 1200 BC, there was never a large enough population to create lasting infrastructure that historians and archaeologists can look at and try to piece together what kind of society they had. All […]