Truth Or Fiction Imaginary things can cause real responses. This is the whole reason we have stories. Or a storytelling instinct. Kids growing up around campfire. Hearing stories about ancient heroes who killed monsters. The Greeks came up with the idea of Catharsis way back in the day. […]
Fibonacci Chaos
Fibonacci Chaos Golden Ratio One of the coolest ideas in science is something called the Golden Ratio, or Phi. This is calculated from the Fibonacci sequence, and can be found in many places in nature. Like if you take ten people, and divide their height by the fingertip to fingertip length of their […]
Curving History
Practice Makes Better To get better at shooting free throws, you need to practice throwing free throws. This means you are slowly building up a ton of success data, connecting the behavior that created the success to the good feeling. You are also building up tons of failure data, to connect negative feelings […]
Self Replicating Hallucinations
Man In God’s Image In the book of Genesis, we are told that God made man in his image. There are plenty of different interpretations of what this means. There is obvious and naive interpretation that we look like him. This is not believed by any serious scholar. Another interpretation is […]
How To Perform Miracles
Highly Skilled Therapist I see this really fantastic massage therapist. She does something that I haven’t found anybody else that can do this as well as she can do this. But she is also little bit more expensive than most, and she has a bit of weird ideas, but because of how much […]
Time Travel Brain Entropy
Word Order Critical If you compare a dictionary and a bible, the two are vastly different. One is filled with words and definitions. The other is filled with ancient stories and metaphors about the nature of human existence. But both are filled only with words. Words ordered one way will create […]
Time Value Of Money
Time Preference Derivation There is an idea and economics that involves thinking about money in two different ways. If you thought about having $1 million now versus having $1 million plus a little bit more in the future, there’s a point where the money that you imagine now versus that same amount of money plus […]