How’d That Happen? Plenty of cool inventions happened by accident. Most inventions were discovered on that path to something greater. For example, the space race of the 60’s and 70’s spawned a whole industry of related products. Personal electronics might not have existed had their not been a need for that […]
The Fourth Level
Energy Discoveries There have been three major energy breakthroughs in the history of humanity. The first was fire, which allowed humans to hunt much more effectively. The second was agriculture, which allowed humans to repeatedly produce food energy much more safely, and on a much larger scale. There are plenty of conspiracy […]
Lucid Dreaming Lab
Anti Anxiety Pattern There’s been a fairly recent discovery about how the brain will reconfigure itself during deep sleep to get rid of anxiety. This, of course, can lead to either positive or negative reinforcing loops. The less anxiety you have, the better you sleep, which will further decrease your anxiety. The […]
Lucid Dreaming Examples
Client Meeting I went to meet a client a couple days ago. We usually meet a local coffee shop. She works in an adult oriented business and wants to learn how to use covert hypnosis so she can increase profits. We meet once a month or so. Twain Shall Meet […]
Persistence Inventing
Sweaty Humans One of the strange things that separates us humans from the rest of the primates is that we don’t have much body hair. We also sweat, which is something no other animal does. And we have arched feet. Surprisingly, these three traits allowed us to do something very useful in our very ancient […]
Two Types Of Money Cycles
Plasma Sales I used to have this friend in college that was very creative with how he found ways to make money. One of the ways he found was to sell his plasma. The thing about selling plasma is you can sell it every couple of weeks. It’s not like blood where you can […]