Useful Thinking A lot of helpful ideas have been around for a long time. Discovered and re-discovered, taught and re-taught in plenty of cultures and times. One is the Serenity Prayer. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, the courage to change the things I can, […]
Escape The Most Evil Con
It All Adds Up Your entire life is the sum total of what you do on a daily basis. This is very hard to really accept. Most everybody has a plan for their life. But this “plan” is more of a wish. And this wish either involves somebody else doing […]
Demon Radio
How Many Moons Once there was an astronomer. Who had a very interesting theory. About the origin and existence. Of the Earth Moon. That long ago. A second moon was built. Back during the last technological collapse. Several thousand years before history. Several thousands before the Sumerians. […]
The Deception Instinct
Look Over Here Most magic tricks are based on misdirection. They get you looking over here, while the magic happens over here. Then you see the outcome, you don’t know how it happened, and so long as this trick is accompanied by an interesting story, you will believe this is magic. Many […]
Death and Taxes
Emotional Logic According to psychologists, the human brain is wired for subconscious logic with emotional inputs. This means that we think we think logically, but in reality this is a hallucination. Even more interesting is we all think we are the logical ones, but everybody is driven by irrational emotions. Kite Flyer […]
Gumball Planet
ROI Instinct Every animal has within it an ROI instinct, a deep program that makes us not want to do anything unless we think we are getting more out than we put in. Of course, with humans, this is heavily skewed by our imaginations and subjective views. From the outside looking it, it […]
Game Room Of Horror
Winchester Mystery House One of the weirdest ghost stories that is sort of true is the Winchester House. The lady who married the guy who got rich by inventing the Winchester gun got worried that all the ghosts from people killed by that gun were going to come after her. She she figured […]
Consciousness Transplanting
New Health Food Store There’s a new, very large, health food store that just opened up in my neighborhood. It’s got a lot of stuff, pretty much everything you could think off, and everything there is much cheaper than you can find online. Even stranger is that the staff is very knowledgeable about […]
Elite Sausage Chaos Theory
Gasoline Energy The amount of energy in one gallon of gas is huge. Compared to human labor, the amount of energy done by the heat energy in a gallon of gas is extraordinarily large. Meaning the amount of time it would take one human to do the work of one gallon of gas […]
Cannibal Trinity Apocalypse
Atmospheric Pressure One of the biggest scientific breakthroughs of the Industrial Revolution has nothing to do with factories. It has to do with something called the Haber process. Plants need nitrogen to grow. And every since life started, the only place plants could get nitrogen was from the Earth. Even though nitrogen […]