Down At The Bus Stop The other day I was down at the bus stop waiting for the bus and a woman came up. As she came walking up she was looking at her watch and looking at the bus schedule that was posted on the side of the street and I noticed a puzzled […]
Jesus FOMO and the Madness of Crowds
Irresistible FOMO One of the strongest psychological motivating factors to get humans moving is the fear of missing out. The idea that everybody is getting something good and because that good thing is so popular that the good thing is slowly disappearing that combination of effects will make us want to get that thing more […]
Fear Of Abandonment
Reunion Party I went to a reunion recently. It was a reunion with people that I hadn’t seen in a few decades and because I’m from the generation X, we grew up, we were raised in an environment with no Internet and no social media. Generation X people are a lot less likely to […]