Artificial Intelligence A Turing test is a human computer simulation named after Alan Turing, the character from the movie Imitation Game, about the British mathematician who broke the Nazi Enigma code. A turning test is when you have a computer program that simulates a human, based on the conversation. Every year they have […]
Rat Dragon Apocalypse
Gaming Tournament There’s this pretty cool hobby shop in my neighborhood. Most of the time this is a normal place, selling normal hobby type things to normal people. But every couple of months they have these really intense underground tournaments. Where they try and make this as absolutely as possible. Trip […]
The Importance of Savings
Old College Friend I have a friend from college that lives just north of San Diego. He lives in a small town. I forget the name. I went to visit him recently. The downtown area has fallen on hard economic times. Most of the shops are closed up, out of business. But there is […]
Brainless Society
Drug Ads on TV It’s a widely accepted fact that 70% of all television advertisements are paid for by the pharmaceutical companies but what’s unclear is why these ads are so uninteresting. If you watch ads from other consumer products like fast food or shoes or Doritos or Snickers, these ads will be very […]
Cycles Of Corruption
Three Periods Of Japan You can separate Japanese history into roughly three very broad categories. The period before the first military ruler took over all of Japan, the period during that time, and the period after that. The period before that is commonly referred to as the “warring states.” If you’re a fan of […]
Water Filter Salesman
Eccentric Neighbor For a while I’ve had this very strange neighbor in my neighborhood. Everyone knows about him. Everybody talks about him. He’s kind of a recluse. The story is, ann this is a fairly accurate story because most of this is public information. He was a driven kid in school. He was a […]
Secrets Of Inventions
Natural Trade Anthropologists will tell us there’s four basic kinds of trade that take place between humans, both modern humans and ancient humans. The first type is trade a thing for a thing, meaning I give you something now and you give me something back of equal value. The second type is trade thing […]
Donut Shop Economics
College Job When I was in college the first job I got was that a donut shop. At first it seemed familiar because I had a job at a donut shop in high school except my job at the donut shop in high school was just showing up, working in the afternoon selling, donuts taking […]
Secret Stripper Hypnosis
New Client I have a client who is a stripper that I haven’t talked to in a long time. As a stripper she wants to learn hypnosis so that she can use hypnosis to control the minds of other people. As a stripper there’s one way to make a lot of money but two […]
Jesus FOMO and the Madness of Crowds
Irresistible FOMO One of the strongest psychological motivating factors to get humans moving is the fear of missing out. The idea that everybody is getting something good and because that good thing is so popular that the good thing is slowly disappearing that combination of effects will make us want to get that thing more […]