Horrible Event https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/22Feb20_Post.mp4 There was a horrific event that happened back during the sixties. In New York. A woman was raped and killed. But as this was happening, a couple dozen people heard it happen. And it wasn’t a quick event. She was raped, but then she got away. […]
Unlock Your Inner Wisdom
Straws and Snowflakes https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/July30_Post.mp4 There are a few metaphors that speak about very small things that make big changes. These aren’t literally true. They are based on perception. For example, one snowflake can cause an avalanche. Technically, this isn’t true. For an avalanche to happen, you need to have a […]
Sony Seduction Success Strategy
Events And Meaning https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/May16_Post.mp4 A very common idea, found in plenty of religions and philosophies is the idea of meaning. Here we are inside our brains. We interact with the world and get a result. Then we have an emotional response, good or bad. Because this happens so quickly, we assume […]
Create Positive Cycles At Will
Once You See Them https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Apr01_Post.mp4 Many things are invisible. But once you calibrate your mind to see them, you’ll see them everywhere. Their not really invisible, but intangible. A description of a process. A metaphor. One such metaphor is the reinforcing cycle, or loop. For example, think of something […]
The Motorboat Mind Trap
Metaphors Are Descriptions https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Mar27_Post.mp4 There’s a common metaphor about the relationship between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. And like many metaphors, it sort of sounds good, but it’s not very helpful. Metaphors, are by their nature, less complex than the thing they are describing. And metaphors ARE descriptions. Not […]
Higher Forms Of Meditation
Generate Verbal Brilliance https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Mar13_Post.mp4 If you were an athlete, there would be plenty of “meta skills” that could help no matter what your sport was. Endurance, flexibility, strength, how fast you can recover from workouts, etc. These would also be supported by good “meta habits.” Proper sleep, diet, etc. Even things […]
Practice Being Your Best Self
Critical Skill Creation https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Mar09_Post.mp4 There is a lot of mixed feeling associated with any kind of “self help.” And nearly all of these are entirely justified. Most of the things people want involve other people. Making more money, creating better relationships. And since these are also the things that TERRIFY us […]
Language Flow State
Unconscious Love https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Mar08_Post.mp4 The flow state is a very interesting psychological state. One that sports psychologists have been keenly interested in. One idea is that it represents the top of the Maslow hierarchy. The temporary yet blissful state of “self actualization.” It kind of make sense from a biological, mind-body perspective. […]
Thought To Word Evolution
Way Back When Once upon a time. There were no words. No language. Only gestures. And grunts. The biggest question. For anthropological linguists. Did words lead to advanced thinking. Or did advanced thinking lead to speaking. Only Recent Exists https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Jan03_Loop.mp4 Written languages. Weren’t created until […]
Energy Transfer Loss
Hot And Cold The Sterling engine is an interesting example of many clever ways to transform energy into different forms. It takes the differential in two chambers of two different temperatures and transforms that into kinetic energy. There’s an interesting inventor that used a similar technique with a bicycle. Not So Nice […]