Terrifying Realism https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Feb28_Post.mp4 Way back in the day, when movies were first created, it must have been pretty impressive. One such movie had a train driving right at the audience. And people thought it was going to come out of the screen and crash into them. Silly, yes. But when new […]
Amnesia Delivery Service
Elusive Bad Guy There is this really strange burglar the FBI has been looking for for some time. He has a very unique MO, and he never actually steals anything. The only thing they can arrest him for is credit card fraud, and breaking and entering. He chooses his victims very, very […]
Imaginary Party Games
Book Club People I have a friend who is a very die-hard, old school, book lover. She belongs to a book club and none of them like to use any technology. They only read hardback books, they don’t have smartphones, and they even refuse to read books written after world war II. […]
Circle Origin Story
Trigonometry is Magic One of the coolest discoveries in mathematics is that of trigonometry. Since cycles are a deep part of the natural world, and trigonometry deals in cycles, its discovery helped humans to understand a lot more than they did previously. It all started by wondering about the mathematical descriptions of the […]
Holographic Disaster
Educational Documentary I saw this documentary about how messed up the school systems are, and as an example, they used this algebra teacher that was trying his hardest to get fired. If he got fired, he’d get his full salary and benefits but if he quit, he wouldn’t get squat. So he decided […]
Anti Anxiety Nightmare
Drugs There is a huge market for anti-anxiety drugs. Plenty of people suffer from social anxiety of one form or another, so if they could come up with a drug that would completely eliminate anxiety, that would be fantastic. But so far, most anti anxiety drugs work more or less like chemotherapy. […]
The Benefits Of Female Hypergamy
Getting A Bad Rap A lot of people, mostly men, have been talking about something called hypergamy lately. It’s a relatively modern term and generally refers to how women will rather have a more wealthy and powerful mate, all else equal. It’s often pointed out that a woman will always date up, […]
Collateral Attraction
Bar Investigation A few years ago I moved to a new city. Whenever I go to a new city, one of the things I like to do is check out the local night spots. Not to try and meet anybody, I find that these places are good places to people watch. To kind of feel […]
Mind Control Plant
Free Seminar The other day I went to this very interesting PUA seminar or pickup seminar. It was free and was only one day and when you go to a free seminar they almost always upsell you at the end, either a book or some type of home study course or a more expensive seminar. […]
Time Travel Love
Time Loop Chaos There’s a lot of very interesting, very cleverly written time loop movies. Probably the first popular fictional time travel story was the Time Machine by HG Wells. Another popular time travel movie that showed the problems of time travel was a story written by Ray Bradbury where a bunch of guys […]