Lost https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Aug30_Post.mp4 Once I went hiking with a buddy. A week long hike. Part of our plan was to cut across this mountain range. If we walked around the mountain range, it would have taken an extra six hours or so. But if we cut across, like our guidebook recommended was […]
Melodramatic Love Power
Quick Solo https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Aug29_Post.mp4 I’m a big fan of old school, guitar based rock. And I really love long guitar solos. But there are a couple ones that are really simple, really short, but somehow very inspiring. Both are similar, in that they only have a right range of notes. Not like […]
Keep Them Spellbound
What? https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Aug27_Post.mp4 Human memory is an interesting thing. The weirdest things can trigger it. Smell is pretty strong. I remember one guy telling me when he knew the ghost of his grandmother was near. When he was a kid, she would make banana bread on Sundays. So it would be […]
Throw ME The Keys
Foreshadowing https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Aug25_Post.mp4 There’s an interesting idea that was essentially invented by Shakespeare. The very first scene would, if you were paying attention, explain everything. Two dudes up on stage talking about something. Since it was the very first scene, the tendency would be to just soak it in and see what happens. […]
Become A God Among Men
Once Upon A Time https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Aug24_Post.mp4 We humans love a good story. The entire storytelling industry is in the billions. Movies, TV, fiction, graphic novels, even video games all satisfy this storytelling need. We need stories like we need food and sex. Imagine what it must have been like way back before […]
Become A Social Hypnosis Master
Powerful Skill https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/July15_Post.mp4 The idea of hypnosis is very compelling. To say a phrase or collection of phrases, and easily move people’s emotions. The more “hypnotic phrases” you can string together, the more likely they’ll work. Dr. Milton Erickson was famous for creating 1-2 HOUR storytelling sessions. These were so powerful […]
Rapport Based Hypnotic Rabbit Holes
Buy Now https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/July13_Post.mp4 The best description of an effective sales letter is a slippery slope. The headline makes you want to read the sub headline. The sub headline makes you want to read the first sentence. Each sentence makes you want to read the next. When you read the headline, you […]
What Is Your Purpose?
Eyes Of The Holder https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/May17_Post.mp4 I remember one interesting idea from way back in college. I took a creative writing class. And one of the things the professor said has stuck with me ever since. He said that once we “release” any piece of writing, it no longer belongs to us. […]
Open Loop Origin Stories
Powerful Communication https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/May08_Post.mp4 Open loops are a very powerful “tool.” I put tool in quotes because open loops happen all the time. Only when you understand them, and learn how to leverage them do they become a powerful tool. For example, when I was a kid, we didn’t have the Internet. […]
Custom Built Heroes
Unlimited Supply https://loopvids.s3.amazonaws.com/Apr09_Post.mp4 The entertainment industry is a kajillion dollar a year industry. Movies, books, TV shows, music, etc. These are sometimes purely “escapism.” You watch a movie that has no bearing on reality whatsoever. But at least for a couple hours, you can forget about life. This is why […]